Digital Logos Edition
Three major themes are seen in the Book of Nehemiah: (1) careful attention to the reading of God's work in order to do his will, (2) the constant obedience of Nehemiah, and (3) repeated enemy opposition. Through it all, God orchestrated the reconstruction of the walls if His city to accomplish His purpose and plan for then and now.
“Rebuilding the walls of conquered cities posed the most glaring threat to the Persian central administration. Only a close confidant of the king himself could be trusted for such an operation. At the most critical juncture in Judah’s revitalization, God raised up Nehemiah to exercise one of the most trusted roles in the empire, that of the king’s cup-bearer and confidant. Life under the Persian king Artaxerxes (about 464–423 b.c.) had its advantages for Nehemiah. Much like Joseph, Esther, and Daniel, he had attained a significant role in the palace which then ruled the ancient world, a position from which God could use him to lead the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls in spite of its implications for Persian control of that city.” (Pages 2–3)
“Finally, Nehemiah and Malachi represent the last of the Old Testament canonical writings, both in terms of the time the events occurred (Mal. 1–4; Neh. 13) and the time when they were recorded by Ezra. Thus the next messages from God for Israel do not come until over 400 years of silence had passed, after which the births of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ were announced (Matt. 1; Luke 1; 2).” (Page 3)
“First, much of Nehemiah is explained in relationship to Jerusalem’s gates (see chapters 2; 3; 8; 12). Second, the reader must recognize that the time line of chapters 1–12 encompassed about one year (445 b.c.), followed by a long gap of time (over 20 years) after chapter 12 and before chapter 13. Finally, it must be recognized that Nehemiah actually served two governorships in Jerusalem, the first from 445 to 433 b.c. (see 5:14; 13:6) and the second beginning possibly in 424 b.c. and extending to no longer than 410 b.c.” (Page 4)
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