Digital Logos Edition
An in-depth look at the miracle and the mystery of the birth of Christ.
Pastor John MacArthur unravels the intricacies of the event that changed the face of human history: the birth of Christ. As he examines every angle of Christ's birth—from the heavenly announcement, to the mixed reactions and the powerful ramification—the superiority and preeminence of Jesus Christ will shine through and speak volumes about creation, redemption, and divine destiny.
“Imagine the incredible feeling of having precise insight into exactly what needed to occur before you could die. But such knowledge also undoubtedly resulted in some spiritual pressure for Simeon. The constant excitement of living in Messianic times and eagerly anticipating the appearance of Christ on any given day, week, or month must have been a powerful motivation for Simeon to examine his heart regularly. He wanted to be sure he was fully ready for the special event. We don’t know how long prior to Luke 2 that Simeon had known all those things, but the entire waiting process, however long or short, surely filled his heart with anticipation as he realized Messiah was coming in his lifetime.” (Pages 126–127)
“An authentic celebration of Christmas honors the most wonderful of divine accomplishments. It recognizes that the
eternal, sovereign God came to earth as a human being to live a righteous life among His people and then to die as a perfect sacrifice to deliver from the wrath of God all who repent and believe.” (source)
“Last, and most important, any claim to the priesthood or royalty had to be verified by genealogy.” (Page 16)
“Second, ancestry determined claims to the right of inheritance.” (Page 16)
“Third, ancestry in Israel established the basis of taxation.” (Page 16)
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T. L. Murphy, PhD, DMin.
Martina Alejandro
James L