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Products>Theological Works of Emanuel Vogel Gerhart (3 vols.)

Theological Works of Emanuel Vogel Gerhart (3 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $39.97
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The writings of Emanuel Vogel Gerhart offer extensive treatment of systematic theology and philosophy from which any student of the Bible would benefit. Gerhart's writings are especially important for understanding the Reformed tradition in the later part of the nineteenth century.

“Holding the Written Word to be the ultimate critical standard of religious thought as well as of faith and practice, the Institutes of the Christian Religion confesses fidelity to the universal Christian Creed, and for substance accepts as valid the exposition of the Creed given by the Heidelberg Catechism.” —from the vol. 1 preface

With the Logos versions of these volumes, you'll be able to search through each topic of Gerhart's systematic theology, and instantly check hyperlinked Scripture references and other resources linked to your Logos library. A pastor, missionary, theologian, and philosopher, Emanuel Vogel Gerhart was very influential in the German Reformed Church in America. A colleague of Philip Schaff and John Williamson Nevin, Gerhart is considered the apologist for the Mercersburg Theology which was critical of the revivalism of the Second Great Awakening and its best known figure, Charles Grandison Finney. Gerhart's first-rate scholarship interacts thoroughly with scripture, historical theology, and philosophy in these important volumes.

Key Features

  • A presentation of the nineteenth century Mercersburg Theology from its chief apologist
  • An early treatment of the relationship between biblical and systematic theology

Praise for Emmanuel Vogel Gerhart

Along with Philip Schaff and John W. Nevin, Gerhart helped shape the direction and theology of the German Reformed Church during the second half of the nineteenth century.

Dictionary of Christianity in America

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  1. Christopher Engelsma
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