Digital Logos Edition
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The Classical Greek Orators Collection includes speeches and letters from 11 of the most influential orators of the fourth and fifth centuries BC. Since the days of Homer, the art of public speaking was of great value in Greece. Eventually, oratory became a focal subject in Greek education, thanks in large part to the lasting influences of orators from the classical era.
This 30-volume collection contains the works of the most influential classical orators, known later as the Alexandrian “Canon of 10”: Aeschines, Antiphon, Andocides, Demosthenes, Dinarchus, Hyperides, Isaeus, Isocrates, Lycurgus, and Lysias. The works of the great Athenian political leader Demosthenes make up the heart of the collection. His orations, which motivated opposition toward Philip II of Macedon and Alexander the Great, are exemplars of the art of oratory. Students and scholars of history, politics, religion, rhetoric, or the classics will enjoy these works and appreciate the vivid pictures they provide of public and private life in classical Greece.
With Logos Bible Software, this collection is completely searchable, making the text more powerful and easier to access for scholarly work and personal study. The Logos version integrates seamlessly into your digital library—clicking any word opens your lexicons to the relevant entry. Each text includes the original Greek and an English translation for side-by-side comparison. Use Logos’ language tools to go deeper into the Greek text and explore each orator’s elegant language.