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Products>The Sermons and other Practical Works of Ralph Erskine (7 vols.)

The Sermons and other Practical Works of Ralph Erskine (7 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Digital list price: $124.95
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The Sermons and other Practical Works of Ralph Erskine presents the works of a prominent Scottish churchman and preacher in the early 1700s. This collection contains over 150 of his most famous sermons, 14 sermons on prayer, a short biography on Erskine’s life, and a large collection of poetical works and Gospel sonnets. These sermons cover God’s love and judgment, blessings, death, eternal life, and much more.

In the Logos editions, these volumes are enhanced by valuable functionality and features. Scripture links directly to English translations and original-language texts, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches with the Topic Guide to instantly gather relevant biblical texts and resources on the many topics Erskine takes up in his works. Tablet and mobile apps let you take the discussion with you. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

  • Contains a large collection of Ralph Erskine’s sermons and works
  • Includes a biography and his collection of Gospel sonnets
  • Title: The Sermons and other Practical Works of Ralph Erskine
  • Author: Ralph Erskine
  • Publisher: William Tegg and Co.
  • Volumes: 7
  • Pages: 4,580
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$3,684.90
* Your purchase includes this resource, which isn’t available yet. The resource will automatically download once it’s available.

Ralph Erskine (1685–1752) studied at the University of Edinburgh and became an ordained minister in 1711. He is known for his works of sermons, poetry, and gospel sonnets.

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  1. Murray Brett

    Murray Brett


    Could you please update us on the status of publishing "The Works of Ralph Erskine"?
  2. Murray Brett

    Murray Brett


    Ralph Erskine stands with Thomas Boston in the great tradition of the Marrow Theology. His book, "Law-Death, Gospel-Life; Or, the Death of Legal-Righteousness the Life of Gospel-Holiness" in volume 2 is one of a kind. John Calquhoun imbibed both Boston and Erskine so that he may be justly called a Marrow Man out of due time. From his book "A Treatise on the Law and the Gospel" its clear that Calquhoun is a great experimental systematician. But Erskine is the greater of the two as an experimental preacher. We look forward to the day when LOGOS publishes it, for it is greatly needed to discover how legal-hearted we are. "Law-Death, Gospel-Life" should follow "The Gospel-Mystery of Sanctification" by Walter Marshall. Studying these two books together with "The Whole Christ" by Sinclair Ferguson would help sort out practical legalism, which Ferguson calls the ultimate pastoral and personal problem in the church.
  3. Albert Hembd

    Albert Hembd


    When will this work be ready? I need it like yesterday!!!
  4. John Fonville

    John Fonville


    The works of Ralph Erskine are a "gospel" treasure. I hope this 7-vol. set is made available soon.
  5. Mitchel L. Galishoff
    I have these in print form (not this edition) had had to get them from Scotland many years ago. They are a treasure.
  6. Mike Southerland
    Volume 7 containing the Gospel Sonnets is more than worth the price of this alone. Erskine gives page after page of beautiful poetry combined with polemical tirades against anti-nomianism and legalism. This work was instrumental in my coming to a conviction regarding the doctrines of grace. Thank you for making this available. I hope it goes to production quickly.


Digital list price: $124.95
Save $34.96 (27%)

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