Digital Logos Edition
In The Last Things Donald G. Bloesch takes up difficult and sometimes controversial themes such as the coming of the kingdom of God, the return of Jesus Christ, the life hereafter, the millennial hope, the final judgment, hell, heaven, purgatory and paradise.
Wrestling with biblical texts that often take metaphorical form, Bloesch avoids rationalistic reductionism as well as timid agnosticism. While he acknowledges mystery and even paradox, Bloesch finds biblical revelation much more than sufficient to illuminate the central truths of a Christian hope articulated throughout the history of the church.
The Last Things is not just a review of past Christian eschatology but a fresh articulation of the grace and glory of God yet to be consummated. The triumph of the grace of Jesus Christ and the dawning of hope beckon us to reach out in the power of the Spirit to receive that blessed future and the promise to renew the life of the church universal today.
“Jesus came to bring not simply moral precepts but the reality of a new world order that revolutionizes the whole of life.” (Page 19)
“The final judgment will be a judgment of our works (Mt 12:35, 37; 25; Rom 2:6–13; 1 Cor 3:13–15; Rev 20:12). At the same time, it will be a judgment on the authenticity of our faith, for our faith will be judged according to its fruits. The final judgment will be a justification of the works of the saved, whereas the judgment of the cross was a justification of our persons. Scripture tells us that we are saved only by grace, but we are judged by our works. The deeper truth is that we are saved in spite of our works. Even though our works do not measure up to the demands of God’s law, God accepts us and embraces us because our works are united with the perfect work of Jesus Christ—his work of atonement for the sins of humankind since the beginning of history.” (Page 71)
“Premillennialists tend to be pessimistic. They see the church losing influence in the final days of history. They also envision two resurrections: the resurrection of the saints at the inauguration of the millennium and then the resurrection of the wicked unto judgment at the end of the golden age that constitutes the millennium.” (Page 93)
“preterists who contend that all of the promises of Christ were fulfilled in the fall of Jerusalem in a.d. 70.” (Page 29)
“The church must learn to incorporate the promises of God to Israel within its own life and mission. It should not see itself as the exclusive fulfillment of the promises of biblical prophecy but recognize that Israel too has a key role in the plan of salvation.” (Page 45)
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Glenn Crouch