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Products>Zondervan Biblical Studies and Theology Collection (11 vols.)

Zondervan Biblical Studies and Theology Collection (11 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $297.90
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The Zondervan Biblical Studies and Theology Collection provides the beginning and advanced theological student with an ample selection of contemporary Old Testament and New Testament resources. The texts in this collection introduce theological perspectives, interpretive processes, and various ecclesiastical traditions and practices to prepare the reader for more advanced theological studies, while still offering intense, focused studies of particular topics for experienced scholars. The collection takes the reader through Old Testament criticism, Messianic Judaism, the theology of Luke and Acts, apologetics, exegetical and theological studies of Paul, the spiritual process of conversion from one denomination to another, looking at the whole picture of biblical theology, and more. The Zondervan Biblical Studies and Theology Collection provides useful overviews with supplemental and introductory texts as well as insightful resources for in-depth study.

  • A variety of texts on the Old Testament, New Testament, and contemporary theology
  • An anthology of apologetics
  • Discussions by prestigious theologians on the spiritual journey of conversion
  • Texts designed to help you see Scripture in the context of your life
  • Title: Zondervan Biblical Studies and Theology Collection
  • Publisher: Zondervan
  • Volumes: 11
  • Pages: 3,615

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Total value if sold separately:$284.90

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  1. Chad Williams
    This set desperately needs to be split apart in order to sell (at least speaking for myself).
  2. Timothy Jang

    Timothy Jang


    I wish Zondervan would split this set.


Collection value: $297.90
Save $106.91 (35%)
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