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Products>Diodorus Siculus’ Library of History (22 vols.)

Diodorus Siculus’ Library of History (22 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $394.90
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Written between 60 and 30 BC, Diodorus SiculusLibrary of History relates significant topics in world history. In this extensive work, Diodorus writes about the mythological history of people groups, including the cultures of Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, Scythia, Arabia, North Africa, Greece, and Europe. Diodorus also describes major events in ancient history, including the Trojan War—the source of iconic themes still discussed today. Next, he discusses the death of Alexander the Great—one of the most successful military commanders of ancient history, and the subsequent fight for control of his empire.

Diodorus Siculus is recognized for his attention to detail and faithful text compilation. The Library of History includes both vivid descriptions, and evidence of historical works that are now lost, such as the writings of Ephorus, Philistus, and Apollodorus.

This collection contains the complete texts in their Loeb Classical Library editions. Each text is included in its original Greek, with an English translation for side-by-side comparison. Use Logos’ language tools to go deeper into the Greek text with linked translations, definitions, and pronunciation tools. You can also use the dictionary lookup tool to examine difficult English words. Quick and easy access to maps and charts, as well as definitions and lexical information, allows you to understand historical events like never before.

Key Features

  • 32 Greek history texts
  • Fascinating descriptions of mythological history
  • In-depth indexes and detailed maps
  • Loeb Classical Library editions

Product Details

  • Title: Diodorus Siculus’ Library of History (22 vols.)
  • Author: Diodorus Siculus
  • Translator: C. H. Oldfather, Charles L. Sherman, C. Bradford Welles, Russel M. Geer, and Francis R. Walton
  • Series: Loeb Classical Library
  • Publisher: Harvard University Press
  • Volumes: 22
  • Pages: 5,192

Diodorus Siculus

Diodorus Siculus (80–20 BC) was a distinguished Greek historian. He was born in Agyrium in Sicily. Other than what can be learned from his writings, little is known of his life. Of the two known Greek inscriptions from Agyrium, one is Diodorus’ tombstone.

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    Collection value: $394.90
    Save $274.91 (69%)

    Gathering interest