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God's Double Agent: The True Story of a Chinese Christian's Fight for Freedom

, 2013
ISBN: 9781441244666


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Tens of millions of Christians live in China today, many of them leading double lives or in hiding from a government that relentlessly persecutes them. Bob Fu, whom the Wall Street Journal called "The pastor of China's underground railroad," is fighting to protect his fellow believers from persecution, imprisonment, and even death. God's Double Agent is his fascinating and riveting story.

Bob Fu is indeed God's double agent. By day Fu worked as a full-time lecturer in a communist school; by night he pastored a house church and led an underground Bible school. This can't-put-it-down book chronicles Fu's conversion to Christianity, his arrest and imprisonment for starting an illegal house church, his harrowing escape, and his subsequent rise to prominence in the United States as an advocate for his brethren. God's Double Agent will inspire readers even as it challenges them to boldly proclaim and live out their faith in a world that is at times indifferent, and at other times murderously hostile, to those who spread the gospel.

From the Back Cover

"Bob Fu has dedicated his life to bringing freedom of religion to the Chinese people. His story is a testimony to the power of faith and an inspiration to people struggling to break free from oppression."--Mrs. Laura Bush

"The riveting account of a student leader of the Tiananmen Square protests who becomes a literal prisoner for Christ and then escapes to the West. Impossible to put down."--Eric MetaxasNew York Times bestselling author of Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy and Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery

"Like John the Baptist, Bob Fu has influenced people from all walks of life, across the nation of China and beyond, and led many to repent and believe in Jesus. Anyone who cares about the persecution of God's household in China and in the Middle East should read this book."--Brother Yun, Chinese house church leader and author of The Heavenly Man

"This compelling and deeply moving account of Bob Fu's escape from China and his heroic work on behalf of other human rights workers there is likely to become a classic. From the very first page, you are hooked. There are few more convincing narratives of Christian courage under persecution and suffering."--David Aikman, former senior correspondent for Time magazine; author of One Nation Without God?

"Courageous, tireless, well-informed, and effective. Bob Fu and ChinaAid are harbingers of the more just and open China that we pray is coming."--Dr. Os Guinness, author of The Global Public Square

"For understanding the dramatic and courageous role of underground Christian movements in China, this is a must-read."--Publishers Weekly

Product Details

  • Title : God's Double Agent: The True Story of a Chinese Christian's Fight for Freedom
  • Authors:
    • Fu, Bob
    • French, Nancy
  • Publisher: Baker
  • Publication Date: 2013
  • ISBN: 9781441244666

Bob Fu is a former dissident and pastor of an illegal underground church in China. As a former prisoner, Fu has unique insight into the plight of Chinese Christians and an unparalleled network on the ground. He and his wife, Heidi, fled to the United States as religious refugees in 1997. He currently runs ChinaAid, a nonprofit organization that tirelessly advocates for the underground church in China and for political dissidents, as well as the lawyers and activists who place their lives on the line to defend them. Find out more at

Bob is a distinguished professor on religion and public policy at Midwest University and a research PhD candidate at Durham University, UK. In addition to being the China analyst for Voice of the Martyrs, Bob is editor-in-chief of Chinese Law and Religion Monitor, a journal on religious freedom and the rule of law in China, and guest editor for Chinese Law and Government, a journal of UCLA. He received the 2007 John Leland Religious Liberty Award from the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC). In 2012 Midwest University awarded Bob the Honorary Doctorate Degree on Global Leadership.

He currently lives with his wife and their three children in Midland, Texas.

Nancy French is a two-time New York Times bestselling author. Her books include Home and Away: A Story of Family in a Time of War (with David French), Not Afraid of Life (with Bristol Palin), A Winning Balance (with Shawn Johnson), and Red State of Mind. She lives in Tennessee. Reach her at


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