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Products>Essential Hebrew and Greek Texts (6 vols.)

Essential Hebrew and Greek Texts (6 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $429.91
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The best value for original language Bible study

Studying in the original languages can unlock a storehouse of insights for every student of Scripture, whether you’re new to the languages or an old pro. This collection of Hebrew Bible, Greek Septuagint, and Greek New Testament Bibles such as BHS, NA28, and UBS5 critical scholarly editions and their apparatus opens up new opportunities for discovery in the text.

The Logos Editions of these Bibles benefit from the power of Logos to surface helpful information simply by hovering over or clicking on words. Additionally, Logos Reverse Interlinears allow you to explore the underlying text in line with your favorite Bible translation, so you can faithfully study the original languages.

Nestle–Aland Greek New Testament (NA28)

  • The standard and globally preeminent critical edition of the Greek New Testament
  • Newly discovered papyri (117–27) listed for the first time
  • Original-language edition with critical apparatus
  • Systematically checked apparatus notes
  • Morphologically tagged throughout
  • Thoroughly revised references

Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS)

  • A revision of Rudolf Kittel's Biblia Hebraica, based upon the Leningrad Codex B19A (the oldest dated manuscript of the complete Hebrew Bible)
  • Special lemma search helps you find all inflected forms of a word by simply entering the infinitive
  • Every word listed includes an English translation and a morphological analysis

Lexham Hebrew Bible with Morphology (LHB)

  • The complete text of the Hebrew Bible, based on the Leningrad Codex, with vowels, accents, and punctuation
  • Lexical, morphological, and root word analysis to aid in reading and advanced searching
  • Kethiv/Qere analysis, including the hybrid forms from the manuscript and vocalized reconstructions of the Kethiv text
  • Superior integration with a wide range of Logos datasets, including lexicon look-up tables, the Bible Sense Lexicon, and the Bible Knowledgebase


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Total value if sold separately:$431.91

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    Collection value: $429.91
    Save $129.92 (30%)
    Payment plans available in cart