2025 简体中文银版图书资料库
- 图书资料库:超过245本。包含《天路日行》(4 Vols.)、《威尔斯比博士BE系列新旧约圣经注释丛书全集》(50本)、《明道时代信息系列》(5 vols.) 等。比起上一版,新增了94本图书,中文图书比例为 85%。
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简体中文银版适合偶尔需要讲道的教会同工、兼职进修神学生使用。它包含《明道时代信息系列》(5 vols.),以及一些实用的注释书,如《天路日行》(4 Vols.)、《威尔斯比博士BE系列新旧约圣经注释丛书全集》(50本)、 《研读、应用、分享──讲道牧养系列》(5 vols.)等。
支持的操作系统: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, 以及 网页版。
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Regular Price: $90.06
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Digital books, media, courses, and other resources included in 2025 简体中文银版图书资料库.
Biblical Commentaries (77) $1,588.23
Black's New Testament Commentary | BNTC (14 vols.)

Pillar New Testament Commentary | PNTC
The Bible Knowledge Commentary (BKC)
以弗所書註釋(繁體) Commentary on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians (Traditional Chinese)
哥林多前书讲解(简体) Expository Sermon on First Corinthians (Simplified Chinese)
如何讀箴言 How to Read Proverbs

威尔斯比博士BE系列新旧约圣经注释丛书全集(简体: 50本) Warren Wiersbe BE Series OT/NT Commentaries Collection (Simplified Chinese: 50 Vol.)

明道研经系列一 (12本) (简) Ming Dao Bible Study Series (12 Vols.) (Simplified Chinese)
活石圣经注释 (简体) Believer’s Bible Commentary (Simplified Chinese)
浪子回頭——一個歸家的故事 (繁體) The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming (Traditional Chinese)
獅子坑裡的職場戰士—但以理書註釋 (繁體) The Warrior in the Lions’ Den: A Commentary on the Book of Daniel (Traditional Chinese)

研读、应用、分享──讲道牧养系列(简体)(5 vols.)Study, Apply, Share - Pastorum Series (Simplified Chinese)
羅馬人書註釋(繁體) Commentary on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans (Traditional Chinese)
腓立比书讲解(简体) Expository Sermon on Philippians (Simplified Chinese)

解經講道注釋叢書新舊約系列(繁體:14本)Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching OT/NT Commentaries Collection (Traditional Chinese: 14 Vol.)
跨越藩籬的福音:給全世界的羅馬書 (繁體) The Book of Romans: Gospel that Transcends all the Barriers (Traditional Chinese)
路得記-長出生命的成熟 Book of Ruth: Grow to Spiritual Maturity (Traditional Chinese)
馬丁路德:加拉太書講義(繁體) Luther: Lectures on Galatians (Traditional Chinese)
馬丁路德:羅馬書講義(修訂版)(繁體) Luther: Lectures on Romans (Revised) (Traditional Chinese)

麥克阿瑟新約註釋系列 (繁體:7本) The MacArthur New Testament Commentary (Traditional Chinese, 7 Vol.)
Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias (2) $57.98Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
聖經的文化世界(繁體) The Cultural World of the Bible (Traditional Chinese)
Theology Dictionaries and Encyclopedias (3) $121.97當代神學辭典(繁體) New Dictionary of Theology (Traditional Chinese)
神学释经词典(简体) Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible (Simplified Chinese)
英漢神學名詞辭典 (繁體) A Dictionary of Theological Terms (Traditional Chinese)
General Biblical Studies (6) $65.94應許猶在:上帝跟以色列立的約(繁體) Receive the Truth! (Traditional Chinese)
探索耶穌七大奇事(繁體)The Seven Wonders of His Story (Traditional Chinese)
聖經中猶太人的生活(繁體)The Jewish Life in the Bible (Traditional Chinese)
聖經中的女人(繁體) Women of the Bible (Traditional Chinese)
聖經中的食物(繁體) The Food in the Bible (Traditional Chinese)
聖經內外-從信心入門(繁體) Bible Inside Out—Start with Faith (Traditional Chinese)
Systematic Theology (9) $164.91你一定要认识的基督信仰(简体)Christianity Explained (Simplified Chinese)
基督教神學概論(繁體) Manual of Christian Doctrine (Traditional Chinese)
根基集(简体) Sermons on Foundational Truth (Simplified Chinese)
真道初阶(简体) A Specimen of Divine Truths (Simplified Chinese)

鮑會園牧師神學叢書出版基金--系統神學(6冊) Rev. John Pao Foundation for Publications in Theology - Systematic Theology (6 Vols.)
Greek Texts and Translations (3) $107.98A User's Guide to the Nestle-Aland 28 Greek New Testament

Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 28th Edition, with Critical Apparatus (NA28)
Greek Grammars, Lexicons, and Tools (2) $88.98A Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Greek (NT)
新約希臘文中文辭典《更新版》(繁體) A Greek-Chinese Lexicon of the New Testament (Revised Edition) (Traditional Chinese)
Hebrew Grammars, Lexicons, and Tools (1) $23.99A Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Hebrew (OT)
Biblical Theology (13) $162.47一次得救,永遠得救?(繁體) Once Saved, Always Saved? (Traditional Chinese)
上帝的大能-福音神學基礎 The Power of God
圣经的默示(简体) The Inspiration of the Scriptures (Simplified Chinese)
天堂,有什麼好期待?——再思復活、終末,與教會的大使命(繁體) Surprised by hope: original, provocative and practical(Traditional Chinese)
新約神學 (繁體) New Testament Theology (Traditional Chinese)
神的护理(简体) Behind a Frowning Providence(Simplified Chinese)
神的護理(繁體) Behind a Frowning Providence (Traditional Chinese)
聖經生態學:重探人與萬物的關係 (繁體) Bible and Ecology: Rediscovering the Community of Creation (Traditional Chinese)
與神立約(繁體)By God, I Will (Traditional Chinese)
邪惡與上帝新世界(繁體) Evil and the Justice of God (Traditional Chinese)
Preaching and Teaching (3) $19.97
Baker Sermon Outlines Collection
摩根講道法進階(繁體) ADVANCED PREACHING (Traditional Chinese)
Sermons (4) $51.96
The John Piper Sermon Archive (1980–2014)
上帝主權的恩典:司布真恩典講道集 Spurgeon’s Sovereign Grace Sermons (Traditional Chinese)
司布真复兴讲坛(简体) Revival Year Sermons (Simplified Chinese)
恩上加恩--傅立德牧師福音講道集(繁體) Grace Upon Grace (Traditional Chinese)
Hermeneutics and Exegesis (1) $49.99食經講道—當代釋經講道手冊(繁體) Recipe for Contemporary Expository Preaching (Traditional Chinese)
Devotionals and Spiritual Growth (24) $346.59「培」你成長:初信造就十六課(繁)Growing with You: 16 Lessons for New Believers (Traditional Chinese)
21世纪基督徒装备100课(简体) 100 Lessons to Equip the 21st Century Christians (Simplified Chinese)
年輕生命不白過——更新我們的8件事(繁體) This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years (Traditional Chinese)
從釋經到釋人:90篇聖經人物靈修(繁) People in the Bible: Probing 90 Biblical Narratives (Traditional Chinese)
晨恩日新:福音靈修日引(繁)New Morning Mercies (Traditional Chinese)
爬進耶穌的懷裡:嬰幼兒靈命培育(繁)Cradling in the Bosom of Jesus - Spiritual Growth for Infants (Traditional Chinese)
生命的标志(简体) Signs of Life (Simplified Chinese)
荒漠甘泉(繁) Streams in the Desert (Traditional Chinese)

證主合神心意系列(繁)(6本) Christian Communication Essentials Series (Traditional Chinese) (6 vols.)
Church History and Historical Theology (8) $181.92Church History for Modern Ministry: Why Our Past Matters for Everything We Do
T&T Clark Handbook of the Early Church

基督教入台及中國內地會創設150年紀念套書 (6 Vols.)

基督教神學發展史全集(4 本) Christian Theology in Development Collection(4 Vols. Traditional Chinese)
我信聖而公之教會—教會歷史專題 (繁體) I Believe in the Holy Catholic Church (Traditional Chinese)
神學的故事 (繁體) The Story of Christian Theology (Traditional Chinese)
Reformation-Era Theology (1) $24.99早期路德:信心的突破 (繁體) Der frühe Luther-Durchbruch des Glaubens (Traditional Chinese)
Confessions and Catechisms (1) $26.99歷代教會信條精選 (繁體) Ecumenical Creeds and Reformed Confessions and Catechisms (Traditional Chinese)
Liturgy and Worship (2) $18.98加尔文论崇拜 (简体) In the Splendor of Holiness (Simplified Chinese)
家庭禮拜Easy Go! (繁體) Family Worship Easy Go! (Traditional Chinese)
Spirituality (8) $86.92仅此一生(简体) Don’t Waste Your Life (Simplified Chinese)
基督徒生活手册(简体) Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life (Simplified Chinese)
天路力行(繁體)We Travel an Appointed Way (Traditional Chinese)
祷告的黄金法则(简体)Practising the Principles of Prayer (Simplified Chinese)
禱告的學校(繁體) With Christ in the School of Prayer (Traditional Chinese)
迷霧裡的召命(繁) Vocation in the Mist (Traditional Chinese)
Pastoral Care and Counseling (10) $192.90
The Quick-Reference Counseling Guide Collection
你和我一辈子 (简体) You and Me Forever (Simplified Chinese)
改變生命改變心 (繁體) Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands (Traditional Chinese)
教牧諮商輔導辭典(繁體) Dictionary of Pastoral Counseling (Traditional Chinese)
機智的好撒瑪利亞人:21世紀基督徒助人前要知道的11件事 (繁體) When Helping Hurts: how to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor—and yourself (Traditional Chinese)
當代婚姻協談手冊 (繁體) Marriage Counseling (Traditional Chinese)
胜过忧郁(简体)How to Win Over Depression (Simplified Chinese)
親愛的,別把上帝縮小了 (繁體) When People Are Big, and God Is Small (Traditional Chinese)
解讀心靈密碼 (繁體) Unlock the Spiritual Codes (Traditional Chinese)
Ministry (22) $300.02公禱一Take過──韋爾斯的8堂公禱課(繁體) Shaping the Prayers of the People: The Art of Intercession (Traditional Chinese)
善牧领袖:如何在教会里有效地牧养群羊(简体)The Shepherd Leader: Achieving Effective Shepherding in Your Church (Simplified Chinese)
基督徒喪禮與敬祖手冊(繁體) The Manual for Christian Funeral and Ancestor Worship (Traditional Chinese)
屬靈領袖(繁)Spiritual Leadership (Traditional Chinese)
愛上禱告會--禱告會實用手冊(繁體) Love to Pray Together (Traditional Chinese)
改變一生的敬拜(繁)Worship Changes Everything (Traditional Chinese)
教會要消「滯」:10大轉化復興良方(繁)Churches Need to Eliminate Stagnation: 10 Strategies for Transformation and Revival (Traditional Chinese)
樂於委身:走進職場神學的世界 (繁體) Engaging in the Marketplace——A Theological Reflection (Traditional Chinese)
浩劫前夕(繁體) Till Armageddon (Traditional Chinese)
職場敍事(繁)Vocation as Narratives (Traditional Chinese)
職場會幕(繁) God's Dwelling in the Marketplace (Traditional Chinese)
職場繁星(繁)Shine for Jesus in the Marketplace (Traditional Chinese)
職場行者(繁)Faith Walker in the Marketplace (Traditional Chinese)
跟耶穌學領導力: 給今日領袖一個永不過時的模式(繁)Leadership Lessons of Jesus: A Timeless Model for Today’s Leaders (Traditional Chinese)
領導由心—成熟領袖的六個要素(繁)Six Leadership Essentials (Traditional Chinese)
Marriage and Family (4) $42.89如何避開閨房風暴:為親密加溫的50個秘方(繁體) Oneness in Marriage (Traditional Chinese)
情如初見(繁)Love as We First Met (Traditional Chinese)
真愛方程式(繁體) EACH FOR THE OTHER (Traditional Chinese)
Study Bibles (6) $92.14
中文新標點和合本研讀本聖經合集1 (13本)Chinese CUNP Study Bible (Shen Edition) Collection 1 (13 Vols.)
活學聖經--和合本修訂版 (新約) (繁體) The Learning Bible–RCUV (New Testament) (Traditional Chinese)
活學聖經--和合本修訂版(舊約上): 創-斯 (繁體) The Learning Bible–RCUV (Old Testament 1: Genesis-Esther) (Traditional Chinese)
Apologetics and World Religions (9) $81.91上帝與物理(繁體)God and Physics (Traditional Chinese)

请回答系列——满足心灵的提问 (简体) (12 Vols.)
Atlases, Maps, and Media (1) $11.99Bible History Atlas, Study Edition
Courses (1) $300.00Mobile Ed Course (You Choose)
Other (13) $258.37慷慨的正義:如何靠恩典行出上帝的公義 (繁體) Generous Justice: How God’s Grace Makes Us Just (Traditional Chinese)

播種國際事工查經系列(繁體)Spring of Water International Ministries Bible Study Series (Traditional Chinese)
21st Century Theology (5) $55.96神为何容许天灾发生?(简体)Why Does God Allow Natural Disasters? (Simplified Chinese)
Total value if sold separately:$4,639.87
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