Library: 25+ digital books including CSB Life Connections Study Bible Notes, Holman Illustrated Bible Commentary, 365 Day Journey Through the Bible, The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible: A Devotional Study, and more.
Designed for: Everyday Christians.
John Piper, John MacArthur, R. Albert Mohler Jr., and other trusted Christian leaders. See all endorsements.
The Baptist Starter Library makes Bible study simple and fast by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. Complete with study Bible notes, Bible dictionaries, devotionals, and a few key commentaries like Holman Illustrated Bible Commentary, the BaptistStarter Library includes essential resources for anyone just getting started with serious Bible study.
When we read, study, and gather around God’s Word, special things happen. We begin opening up, caring for each other, and helping each other grow. We discover a new power in our lives and find new strength for living as the Holy Spirit shapes us into a beautiful example of community. The CSB Life Connections Study Bible is a revised and updated version of the best-selling and renowned Serendipity Study Bible.