Library: 40+ digital books including The Christ in the Bible Commentary (6 vols.), Elements of a Christian Worldview, Nelson's New Testament Survey, Dictionary of Hermeneutics: A Concise Guide to Terms, Names, Methods, and Expressions, and more.
Designed for: Everyday Christians, Small group leaders and Sunday school teachers.
Recommended by: Eugene Boe, David L. Adams, Clayton Robison, and other trusted Christian leaders. See all endorsements.
The Lutheran Bronze Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Lutheran Bronze Library builds on everything included in the Lutheran Starter Library, adding even more Bible study tools and additional reference works like Fortress Commentary on the Bible (2 vols.) and practical resources like Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible.
Interpret Scripture for a complex and pluralistic world with this balanced synthesis of current scholarship on the Bible. These commentaries set the biblical books in their historical and cultural contexts, discussing themes that have proven most important for the Christian interpretive tradition. Including contributions from 70 renowned authorities in the historical interpretation of the Old and New Testaments, the Fortress Commentary on the Bible is sensitive to theological and cultural issues, richly diverse in social locations and vantage points, and represents a broad array of theological commitment—Protestants, Catholics, Jews, and others. Most of all, it is alive to the ethical consequences of biblical interpretation today—an ideal resource for preaching, teaching, and research in the modern world.