Library: 1700+ digital books including Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary | AYBD (6 vols.), T&T Clark Studies in Early Christianity (13 vols.), Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature Series (11 vols.), The Semitic Background of the New Testament (2 vols.), and more.
Designed for: Preachers, Seminary students, and Seminary professors.
Recommended by: Michael L. Brown, Alan Shore, and other trusted Messianic Jewish leaders. See all endorsements.
The Messianic Jewish Diamond Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Lutheran Diamond Library takes everything in the Lutheran Platinum Library and adds even more to your library, with scholarly series like Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture Complete Set | ACCS (29 vols.), Popular Patristics Series Collection (58 vols.), The Preacher's Commentary Series | TPC (35 vols.), and Spectrum Multiview Book Series (27 vols.). With over 1675 volumes of advanced biblical reference works, this is an ideal package for anyone doing academic research or advanced exegesis.
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Digital books, media, courses, and other resources included in 2025 Messianic Jewish Diamond.
Value if sold separately
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Value if sold separately
Eerdmans New Testament Commentaries Collection
Expositions of Bible Doctrines: Taking the Epistle to the Romans As a Point of Departure (10 vols.)
Forms of the Old Testament Literature Series | FOTL (19 vols.)
Galatians (Commentaries for Christian Formation)
Galatians: The Charter of Christian Liberty
Heritage Collection, 3 vols. (Pillar New Testament Commentary | PNTC)
International Theological Commentary | ITC (28 vols.)
Interpreting Revelation
Job 1–21: Interpretation and Commentary (Illuminations Commentary | ICS)
Jonah: Introduction and Commentary (Illuminations Commentary Series | ICS)
Joy in Our Weakness: A Gift of Hope from the Book of Revelation
Mark: A Commentary on His Apology for the Cross (2 vols.)
Matthew: A Commentary on His Handbook for a Mixed Church under Persecution, 2nd ed.
Matthew: A Commentary, Volume 1-2 (Revised and Expanded Edition)
New International Commentary on the New Testament | NICNT (20 vols.)
New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC: Heritage Collection
New International Commentary: Old Testament | NICOT (31 vols.)
Pillar New Testament Commentary | PNTC (17 vols.)
Proverbs (Commentaries for Christian Formation)
Revelation and the End of All Things, 2nd ed.
Revelation: A Shorter Commentary
Romans: A Theological and Pastoral Commentary
Socio-Rhetorical Commentary Series Collection | SRC (10 vols.)
The Acts of the Apostles
The Bible in Medieval Tradition Series Collection | BMT
The Church's Bible | CB (6 vols.)
The End of the Beginning: Joshua and Judges (A People and a Land, vol. 1)
The Gospel of John: A Commentary
The Gospel of John: A Theological Commentary
The Lectionary Commentary: Theological Exegesis for Sunday's Texts (3 vols.)
The Letter to the Romans: A Short Commentary
The Light Has Come: An Exposition of the Fourth Gospel
The New International Greek Testament Commentary Series | NIGTC (13 vols.)
The Parables of Jesus: A Commentary
The Prophecy of Daniel: A Commentary
The Psalms as Christian Lament: A Historical Commentary
The Psalms as Christian Praise: A Historical Commentary
The Psalms as Christian Worship: A Historical Commentary
The Wisdom of Sirach (Eerdmans Critical Commentary | ECC)