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Products>Westminster Confession of Faith | WCF (including the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, American Revision, 3 vols.)

Westminster Confession of Faith | WCF (including the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, American Revision, 3 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $20.29
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Produced by the Westminster Assembly for the great Parliament, this time-honored treasure of the faith bears striking resemblance to the Irish Articles, but is far abler, fuller, and superior to any of its predecessors, and gives proof that the Assembly was steadily dominated by its aim to state nothing therein which is not expressly taught in the Word of God, or derivable therefrom by good and necessary reference. Working thus it produced not only the most logical and most complete, but the most Biblical and the noblest creed ever yet published.

B.B. Warfield called the work of the Westminster divines "the finest fragrance of spiritual religion." He continues by adding that it is "the most thoroughly thought-out statement ever penned of the elements of evangelical religion." To this day, the Westminster Catechism is considered to be a thoughtful, concise work that will bring benefit to those who study the Word of God. This edition contains the American revision, which, in addition to other changes, removes portions of chapter XXV regarding the Pope.

This collection unlocks and downloads the files for three resources: the Confession, the Larger Catechism and the Shorter Catechism.

Check out the original Edinburgh edition of the Westminster Confession and Subordinate Standards.

  • The Westminster Confession of Faith
  • The Westminster Larger Catechism : with Scripture Proofs
  • The Westminster Shorter Catechism : with Scripture Proofs

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Total value if sold separately:$20.29

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28 ratings

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  1. Kevin Bratcher
  2. Allen baldwin

    Allen baldwin


    It seems curious that the question about which revision specifically is not answered from 9 months ago???
  3. Austin A. Hess
    Some minor display errors, otherwise very helpful to have the American Revision of the Westminster Standards in Logos!
  4. Angus Lo

    Angus Lo


  5. Mickey D. Jett
  6. Cris Dickason

    Cris Dickason


    Ah, yes, its an American Revision, but which American Revision? Is this sourced from the "mainline" PCUSA, having in it therefore the changes from late 1800's/early 1900's to accommodate less-than-Reformed unions and mergers? Does it include the new, American chapters on the Spirit and on the Gospel? Or is it the American Revision that occurred shortly after the Revolutionary War secured independence from Britain and the chapter on Civil Magistrate needed to be updated to recognize no established churches in the new USA?
  7. Flávio Américo Dantas de Carvalho
  8. Brent Rempel

    Brent Rempel


  9. Robert Ross

    Robert Ross


  10. John D Marten

    John D Marten



Collection value: $20.29
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