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Products>James Hastings Reference Collection (34 vols.)

James Hastings Reference Collection (34 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $382.18
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Strengthen your reference library with 34 volumes from one of the most influential Bible scholars and editors of the early nineteenth century—James Hastings. This massive collection includes over 18,000 pages of scholarship from hundreds of expert contributors—definitions of people, places, and theological terms; examinations of essential doctrines and their applications; poetry and quotations from key thinkers; maps of biblical places, and study guides on notable individuals. Hastings’ compilations are marked by their engaging explanations, detailed cross-references, and helpful personal observations on Scripture, making these works as valuable today as when they were written.

  • Contains 34 volumes of works edited by James Hastings, including several Bible dictionaries
  • Features contributions from hundreds of authors and scholars
  • Studies biblical text from a variety of perspectives
  • Title: James Hastings Reference Collection
  • Editor: James Hastings
  • Volumes: 34
  • Pages: 18,525

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James Hastings was born in 1852 in Scotland. He was a Presbyterian minister and theologian. Hastings was the editor of many Biblical works, including: Dictionary of the Bible, The Greater Men and Women of the Bible, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, and The Great Texts of the Bible. He died in 1922.


3 ratings

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  1. Kevin Bratcher
  2. David



    I have most of his Great Texts sitting on my shelves. Picked them up for next to nothing at a thrift store. Great find. The price for the digital editions does seem a little above what I'd be willing to pay.
  3. Pastor Bill Brown
    Your review mentioned Hastings was an important editor of the early 19th century. He died in 1922, the 20th century, so I doubt he had any affect on the early 19th century.
  4. Raymond Sevilla
  5. Ian Carmichael
    For the price and the age, you want a little too much. Now if you include the long-standing community pricing volumes of the multi-volume Dictionary of the Bible as well as the Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, I'll be all over this offer. Until then, I'll be working on the paper copies providing ballast on my library shelves.


Collection value: $382.18
Save $192.19 (50%)
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