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Products>The College Press NIV Commentary: Old Testament (CPNIV) (23 vols.)

The College Press NIV Commentary: Old Testament (CPNIV) (23 vols.)

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Collection value: $446.77
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The College Press NIV Commentary series delivers verse-by-verse explanation of the biblical text that’s as informative as it is accessible. Each volume begins with a descriptive introduction then dives into a detailed explanation of the book, bringing together top-notch biblical scholarship and the clarity of the most popular modern translation of the Bible.

The College Press NIV Commentary series caters to a broad readership; from the ivory tower to the pulpit to the pew. The scholar will find a dedication to serious exegesis, with constant appeals to original language texts and dialogue with the interpreters of the past. The pastor will discover a wealth of sermon material, as the series’ verse-by-verse exposition is sensitive both to the texts’ ancient context and Christian application. Like the NIV text that it’s based on, this series is characterized its readability, making it perfect for all levels of personal Bible study.

  • Provides verse-by-verse exposition on the Old Testament
  • Discusses translations of the original text and interpretations
  • Applies the principles of the text to a contemporary perspective
  • Includes practical and extensive footnotes
  • Title: The College Press NIV Commentary Series: Old Testament
  • Series: College Press NIV Commentary (CPNIV)
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Volumes: 23
  • Pages: 10,390
  • Christian Group: Evangelicals
  • Resource Type: Commentaries
  • Topic: Old Testament

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Total value if sold separately:$495.75

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2 ratings

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  1. Donnie



    Not a fan of the NIV but, this commentary will work for my favorite version the NASB and the ESV as well. I find this commentary is more objective than subjective and, doesn’t reflect the commentators thoughts or subjective matter but rather on what the Bible says not what we may want it to say.
  2. Fred Robbins

    Fred Robbins



Collection value: $446.77
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