The Explorations in Theology books bring essential theological wisdom from one of the greatest theologians of the last century. Hans Urs von Balthasar influenced the theology and studies of Raymund Schwager and Karl Barth. He is lauded equally by Catholics and Protestants for his theological works and his response to Western modernism.
This series presents a rare opportunity to experience Balthasar’s synthetic and comprehensive treatment of major themes in theology without having to make one’s way through much more extensive works which cover a much wider scope. They also provide an excellent introduction to the thought of Balthasar for those unfamiliar with him, and their chapters will focus on specific themes treated throughout his works for those who are familiar with him. This collection is an excellent overview of the writings and thought of one of the most outstanding theologians of the past century.
Having this collection in Logos gives you unprecedented ways to study the theology of Balthasar. With just a click, you can perform powerful word studies, explore cross-references and footnotes, open theological dictionaries, encyclopedias, lectionaries, the Church Fathers, and much more.
Key Features
Unveils a thorough synopsis of Balthasar’s theological thought
Links every cross-reference to the Church Fathers and to other works of Balthasar
Presents practical and invigorating theological ideas
Praise for the Print Edition
I had the joy of knowing and associating with this renowned Swiss theologian. I am convinced that his theological reflections preserve their freshness and profound relevance undiminished to this day and that they incite many others to penetrate ever further into the depths of the mystery of the faith, with such an authoritative guide leading them by the hand.
Individual products included in this collection are currently sale priced. Purchasing the individual volumes in this collection may be more cost effective than purchasing the collection itself.