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10,000 Sermon Illustrations

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.



Bible study should be where you are spending your time, not searching through magazines for just the right sermon illustration. Frustrated with trying to remember how that old story went? How would you like to have 10,000 sermon illustrations right at your fingertips, seamlessly integrated into your existing Logos Bible Software digital library?

The 10,000 Sermon Illustrations for Logos Bible Software is a brand new title from Galaxie Software covering thousands of topics compiled from several years of dynamic and relevant illustrations for teaching and preaching. Each illustration is organized alphabetically by topic and by Bible reference where applicable, and is searchable by topic, word, phrase, or any other way you normally access your Logos Bible Software texts.

Get 10,000 Sermon Illustrations today, search on the passage you are teaching on next week, and jump right to the illustration that is perfect for your message. This resource will be a tremendous asset to your sermon preparation.

Simply open 10,000 Sermon Illustrations and type in the topic of your sermon. The results of your search will include profound stories and anecdotes that can be easily incorporated into your sermon. 10,000 Sermon Illustrations features many more stories dealing with the integrity or hypocrisy of notable historical figures such as Joseph Stalin, Teddy Roosevelt, and C.S. Lewis.

View this short demo of Logos Bible Software to see how it can help you save hundreds of hours in sermon preparation.

  • Powerful Logos Search engine and complete compatibility with Logos Bible Software
  • Use the topic browser to type in key words and find illustrations
  • Use the Bible reference browser to find illustrations on your particular verse
  • Insert illustrations directly into word processor
  • 10,000 Sermon Illistrations
  • King James Version Bible
  • American Standard Version Bible
  • Net Bible (Noteless)

Top Highlights

“Men do not reject the Bible because it contradicts itself, but because it contradicts them. - Author unknown” (source)

“ It is almost as presumptuous to think you can do nothing as to think you can do everything. - Phillips Brooks” (source)

“ Little faith will bring your soul to heaven, but great faith will bring heaven to your soul - Anonymous” (source)

“‘Where there is no faith in the future, there is no power in the present.’” (source)

“ Reputation grows like a mushroom; Character grows like an oak.” (source)


The section on "Stewardship" also includes many more stories and quotes from the likes of J.D. Rockefeller, C.S. Lewis, Martin Luther, and Mother Teresa!

Many years ago two young men were working their way through Stanford University. At one point their money was almost gone, so they decided to engage the great pianist Paderewski for a concert and use the profits for board and tuition. Paderewski’s manager asked for a guarantee of $1,000. the students worked hard to promote the concert, but they came up $400 short. After the performance, they went to the musician, gave him all the money they had raised, and promised to pay the $400 as soon as they could. It appeared that their college days were over. “No, boys, that won’t do,” said the pianist. “Take out of this $600 all your expenses, and keep for each of you 10 percent of the balance for your work. Let me have the rest.”

Years passed. Paderewski became premier of Poland following World War I. Thousands of his countrymen were starving. Only one man could help—the head of the U. S. Food and Relief Bureau. Paderewski’s appeal to him brought thousands of tons of food. Later he met the American statesman to thank him. “That’s all right,” replied Herbert Hoover. “Besides, you don’t remember, but you helped me once when I was a student in college.”

The principle of liberality set forth in Proverbs 11:25 finds its origin in God. He is overflowing in His goodness, lavish in His mercy, and abounding in His grace. How inconceivable that we His creatures, especially His redeemed children, could be greedy and selfish! Remember, liberality is part of God’s way of taking care of us.—D.J.D.


This resource features more than two dozen additional Christmas poems, prayers and stories!

Take the year 1809. The international scene was tumultuous. Napoleon was sweeping through Austria; blood was flowing freely. Nobody then cared about babies. But the world was overlooking some terribly significant births.

For example, William Gladstone was born that year. He was destined to become one of England’s finest statesman. That same year, Alfred Tennyson was born to an obscure minister and his wife. The child would one day greatly affect the literary world in a marked manner.

On the American continent, Oliver Wendell Holmes was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. And not far away in Boston, Edgar Allan Poe began his eventful, albeit tragic, life. It was also in that same year that a physician named Darwin and his wife named their child Charles Robert. And that same year produced the cries of a newborn infant in a rugged log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky. The baby’s name? Abraham Lincoln.

If there had been news broadcasts at that time, I’m certain these words would have been heard: “The destiny of the world is being shaped on an Austrian battlefield today.” But history was actually being shaped in the cradles of England and America. Similarly, everyone thought taxation was the big news—when Jesus was born. But a young Jewish woman cradled the biggest news of all: the birth of the Saviour.

Adapted from Charles Swindoll


The extensive section on marriage includes statistics, stories and even marriage assessment questionairres!

Mark Twain was known for his wit. A Mormon acquaintance once pushed him into an argument on the issue of polygamy. After long and tedious expositions justifying the practice, the Mormon demanded that Twain cite any passage of Scripture expressly forbidding polygamy.

“Nothing easier,” Twain replied. “No man can serve two masters.”


Robert Redford was walking one day through a hotel lobby. A woman saw him and followed him to the elevator. “Are you the real Robert Redford?” she asked him with great excitement.

As the doors of the elevator closed, he replied, “Only when I am alone!”

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36 ratings

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  1. John Wesley Conaway
  2. Paulette D Powell
  3. Robert Sloniker
  4. David Ashworth
  5. Jayanth J Samuel
    10000 Illustrations : Recently purchased & using on Samsung Galaxy Tab 4. Great collection, but searching for topics seem to be pain.Index is not proper. To search for a topic like 'love' or 'purity' , I need to go to L or P and go on scanning topics starting with L to reach 'Love'. The search option is not useful as it says ' reference not recognized'. There seems to be no search by topic index. Can you please indicate if there is anything wrong in my installation ? Or is there a better way to quickly search for topics ?
  6. Nathan Stevenson
  7. Stefan Josi

    Stefan Josi


    nice tool
  8. Joe Philpott

    Joe Philpott


  9. Dan



  10. Jeffrey W. Hessinger
