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Products>Library of Early American History (4,977 docs.)

Library of Early American History (4,977 docs.)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $497.70
Save $397.71 (79%)


With nearly 5,000 texts spanning from 1640 to 1800, this library comprises the foundational documents and publications of colonial and revolutionary-era American culture.

Encompassing the definitive historical texts from the Evans Early American Imprints archive, this library includes almanacs, newspapers, charters, laws, narratives, novels, pamphlets, plays, sermons, tracts, treaties, and more.

Hand-picked by the American Antiquarian Society, these fundamental documents provide a panoramic view of life in early America. Trace the development of American culture. Study the impacts of political, economic, and scientific developments on everyday life. Better understand early Americans’ perspectives on significant issues such as health, religion, and government.

This comprehensive array of primary-source documents provides valuable insights into colonial and revolutionary-era America.

Study with the Best Research Tools

Logos’ features help you go deeper in your research. Read related texts together, scrolling side-by-side. Gather further clarification by instantly jumping to lexicons and dictionaries. Take your study with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos, the most efficient research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

You’ll definitely be interested in the Thomas Jefferson Collection (5 vols.)!

  • Includes 4,977 primary-source texts
  • Spans from 1640 to 1800
  • Provides a panoramic view of colonial and revolutionary-era American life
  • Title: Library of Early American History
  • Documents: 4,977
  • Series: Evans-TCP: Evans Early American Imprints
  • Publisher: Text Creation Partnership
  • Resource Type: Historical Documents
  • Topic: United States History
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$904.95
Please Note

This large collection of texts is batch-processed from high-quality transcriptions created as part of an academic archival process. The large number of texts, and the smaller market for each individual text, means that Logos cannot yet give individual attention to each document the way we do for most Logos Editions. The batch-processing will tag Bible references present in standard formats and perform limited tagging, but most texts will not get individual attention or editorial work. You will find untagged references, antiquated spelling, and literal presentation of archaic conventions in writing and typesetting. In time we hope to revisit these texts (based on use and our continuing maintenance program) and add more tagging and editorial work.

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10 ratings

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  1. Faithlife User
  2. Blair Laird

    Blair Laird


    Fantastic Collection.. keep going... we need more of this..
  3. David C. Alves
  4. David Groseth

    David Groseth


    It would be helpful if they classified these as something besides monographs, since they all get dumped into your Library as Type:Monograph If you want to browse through the rest of the regular books in your library you need to search for type:monograph ANDNOT publisher:partnership type:mo ANDNOT publisher:partn will also work.
  5. Bill



  6. Kenneth Bonham
  7. CJ Walker, D.Min., Th.D.
  8. Al Sosa

    Al Sosa


  9. Curtis B

    Curtis B


  10. Larry Proffitt (I


Collection value: $497.70
Save $397.71 (79%)