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Products>Crossway Preaching Collection (5 vols.)

Crossway Preaching Collection (5 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.



Gain expert insight and in-depth resources for preaching the Word and pointing to Jesus in all of Scripture. This collection from Crossway combines the talents of top preachers—including Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Edmund Clowney, and Tim Keller—to help preachers new and experienced communicate the Bible in an effective, gospel-centered way, emphasizing Christ as the theme of all Scripture. These three works demonstrate a variety of styles and core homiletic principles, with models and practical advice. From Lloyd-Jones’ sermons on Acts 1–8 and collected sermons from numerous preachers in Heralds of the King, to Clowney’s expositional text, Preaching Christ in All of Scripture, these volumes equip you to refresh and refocus your preaching. Please note: this commentary is three volumes but will download to your software as six digital resources.

In the Logos edition, the Crossway Preaching Collection is enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

Find more great preaching resources with the Preaching the Word Series (30 vols.).

Key Features

  • Contains expert insights into Christ-centered preaching
  • Includes Edmund Clowney’s Preaching Christ in All of Scripture
  • Provides example sermons from top preachers

Product Details

Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$120.92

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2 ratings

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  1. Arthur Moye

    Arthur Moye


  2. Cheryl



  3. Aaron Campbell
    Is the Acts commentary just a compiled set of the "Christianity" series? Glorious, Compelling, Courageous, Authentic, Victorious etc.. Christianity? Is it different material on Acts than those 6 or 7 volumes, or just those volumes combined into this one book?
