Digital Logos Edition
The message of Peter's first letter turned the world upside-down for his readers. He saw the people of the young church of the first century as strangers, aliens who were only temporary residents, travelers heading for their native land.
Peter speaks to our own pilgrimage when he tells of suffering now and glory to come. Stormy seasons of persecution were beginning for the churches in Asian Minor. These storms rage on in the modern world.
Edmund Clowney believes that no true Christian can escape at least a measure of suffering for Christ's sake. Out of his firsthand knowledge as an apostle of Christ, Peter shows us what the story of Jesus' life means for us as we take up our cross and follow him.
“Our hope is anchored in the past: Jesus rose! Our hope remains in the present: Jesus lives! Our hope is completed in the future: Jesus is coming! (1:5, 7, 13).” (Page 46)
“Church fellowship is not an optional advantage, to be chosen or ignored, like membership in a social club. It is the calling of every Christian. There is a spiritual ‘ethnicity’ to the church of Christ; Christians are blood relatives, joined by the blood of Jesus Christ.” (Page 94)
“our joy point beyond grief. In the second place, it is actually strengthened through the very sufferings that we endure.” (Pages 51–52)
“Christ’s resurrection spells hope for us not just because he lives, but because, by God’s mercy, we live.” (Page 45)
“This whole section is in direct antithesis to the spirit of the world, where every individual and group demands its ‘rights’ and understands liberty as freedom from responsibility.” (Page 100)
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Edmund P. Clowney (1917-2005) received his B.A. from Wheaton College in 1939, a Th.B. from Westminster Theological Seminary in 1942, an S.T.M. from Yale University Divinity School in 1944 and a D.D. from Wheaton College in 1966. He is remembered by many as a preacher, perhaps the most gifted proponent and practitioner of redemptive-historical preaching of this generation.