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Products>Tablet Bundle (8 vols.)

Tablet Bundle (8 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $73.92
Save $8.93 (12%)


Grow in your faith-life with these eight classics of Christian spirituality and devotionals! Featuring works on prayer, grace, Jesus, and the Christian life, these books are ideal for reading cover-to-cover on a tablet or mobile device. Read the inspirational and faith-building thoughts R.C. Sproul, N.T. Wright, John Piper, R.A. Torrey, and others in this made-for-tablet bundle. With classic Christian works for the whole family, this collection keeps on giving throughout the year.

When you read these classics on your mobile device or tablet, Logos syncs your notes and highlights from device to device, allowing you to see the same notes whether you wrote them on your desktop program or mobile app. Logos also remembers where you left off, allowing you to seamlessly resume your reading from any of your devices. With Logos, you’ll be able to carry a library of hundreds of books in your pocket, so you’ll never forget to bring your books with you when you travel, go to class, or leave home.

  • Eight classic Christian page-turners
  • Various topics to diversify your reading
  • Short works ideal for your small group studies
  • Perfect for the whole family
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:


3 ratings

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  1. Susan Beane-Moore
  2. phillip davenport
  3. Robert J Smith


Collection value: $73.92
Save $8.93 (12%)