Digital Logos Edition
Exhibiting the same brilliant exegesis and sound practical insight found in his previous works, noted commentator Douglas J. Moo, in this new volume, not only explains accurately the meaning of the letters to the Colossians and to Philemon but also applies that meaning powerfully to twenty-first-century readers. Moo attentively interacts with the Greek text of these letters and clearly explains the English text to a contemporary audience.
Informed, evangelical, methodologically astute, and displaying a careful balance between good scholarship and pastoral concern—earmarks of the Pillar New Testament Commentary—Moo’s Letters to the Colossians and to Philemon will offer insights to a wide range of readers, from teachers and students, to pastors and parishioners, to scholars and laypersons.
What’s more, with the Logos Bible Software edition, every word is essentially a link. That means that clicking on any Scripture reference brings you straight to the text of the Bible—both original language manuscripts and English translations. Double clicking any word—in any language—automatically searches your lexicons for a match, making accessing the Greek text of the New Testament faster and easier than ever. You can also search your commentaries for a particular verse or topic. Along with this, your titles will automatically integrate into custom reports, passage guides, exegetical guides, and the other advanced features of Logos Bible Software.
“Paul says that the ‘new self’ is ‘being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator” (Page 117)
“often in contexts that focus on the way God can now be known” (Page 118)
“Believers ‘seek the things above’ by deliberately and daily committing ourselves to the values of the heavenly kingdom and living out of those values.” (Page 246)
“The combination thus suggests the ability to discern the truth and to make good decisions based on that truth.” (Page 94)
“The past experience of dying with him and being raised with him is the basis for our present status as people whose heavenly identity is real and secure, yet hidden, an identity that will be gloriously manifested in the future.” (Page 244)
Moo has done it again! Just as his Pillar volume on James and his NICNT volume on Romans both rank, in my estimation, as the best available intermediate-level commentaries on those books, now he has produced a comparable volume on Colossians and Philemon. Clear, judicious, abreast of all the relevant scholarship, yet not unnecessarily long, this book should be the first choice of most pastors and teachers for help with exegeting these delightful little Pauline letters.
—Craig Blomberg, Denver Seminary
This fine Pillar commentary by Doug Moo not only matches his volume on James but also is in keeping with his masterly exposition of Romans in the New International Commentary Series. His present work is characterized by insightful, sensitive exegesis and thoughtful interaction with the vast array of recent literature on Colossians and Philemon. A surefooted guide, Moo leads the reader to understand the meaning of the biblical text, to grasp its theological significance and thus to hear afresh the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ that is ‘bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world.’ Moo’s commentary is a must for every serious student of these two brief yet profound Pauline letters.
—Peter T. O’Brien, Moore Theological College
Outstanding. . . . Doug Moo combines his exegetical skill and extensive knowledge of the nuances of Pauline theology into a compelling explanation of the meaning of Colossians and Philemon. Readers will appreciate Moo’s wise judgment as he navigates through a variety of interpretational issues. Very well written and richly informative, this commentary should be the textbook of choice for courses on these two letters.
—Clinton E. Arnold, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
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Douglas J. Moo is Blanchard Professor of New Testament at Wheaton Graduate School. His previous commentaries include the NICNT volume on Romans and the Pillar New Testament Commentary on James.
20 ratings
Miguel Yustiz Torres
Jonathan Hitz
Jonathan Ochieng Göhner
Stephen Williams
Brian Roskin
Adrian Tsingaris
Todd Eaton