Digital Logos Edition
In what sense is the Bible the Word of God for Christians today? How should we think of the truthfulness of the Bible?
Scripture and Truth seeks to answer these key questions. It synthesizes, as have few other works, the apologetic reasons for an evangelical defense of biblical inerrancy. From a biblical, historical, or theological perspective each essay examines a challenge to belief in the integrity and reliability of Scripture. What emerges from these essays is a full-orbed restatement of this evangelical doctrine.
First published in 1983, Scripture and Truth will continue to strengthen the faith of many of God’s people in his reliable and truthful Word.
Don't miss the Crossway D.A. Carson Collection (7 vols.).
“We hold that what the Scriptures teach is infallibly true and that this belief is not only patient of reasoned defense but is extremely important for the well-being of the church.” (Page 9)
“By biblical theology I refer to that branch of theology whose concern it is to study each corpus of the Scripture in its own right, especially with respect to its place in the history of God’s unfolding revelation. The emphasis is on history and on the individual corpus. By systematic theology I refer to the branch of theology that seeks to elaborate the whole and the parts of Scripture,43 demonstrating their logical (rather than their merely historical) connections and taking full cognizance of the history of doctrine and the contemporary intellectual climate and categories and queries while finding its sole ultimate authority in the Scriptures themselves, rightly interpreted. Systematic theology deals with the Bible as a finished product.” (Pages 69–70)
“In summary, it is important to note that the Bible repeatedly affirms its own truthfulness, but that this affirmation does not imply a claim to a very high level of precision or to a practice of verbatim quotation or to the possession of future scientific knowledge. These elements are not essential to complete truthfulness in speech and writing.” (Page 53)
“‘What should we believe today?’ but the literary and historical question, ‘What views of God’s word(s) are presented in the Old Testament text itself?’ Then we can ask, ‘What views of the Old Testament text and of the emerging New Testament writings are found among the New Testament authors?’” (Page 19)
Here is a book which is more than a mere defense of biblical inerrancy; it seeks also to explore the implications of such a view of the way in which we approach and handle Scripture.
—Peter Misselbrook, Evangelical Times
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D. A. Carson (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) is research professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is author or editor of numerous books, many of which are found in the D. A. Carson Collection and the D. A. Carson 'Love of God' Collection.
John D. Woodbridge is research professor of Church History and the History of Christian Thought at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. He has taught at Trinity since 1970. He has also served as a senior editor of Christianity Today.
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