Digital Logos Edition
Reading the Bible need not be a haphazard journey through strange and bewildering territory. Like an experienced tour guide, How to Read the Bible Book by Book takes you by the hand and walks you through the Scriptures. For each book of the Bible, the authors start with a quick snapshot, then expand the view to help you better understand its key elements and how it fits into the grand narrative of the Bible. Written by two top evangelical scholars, this survey is designed to get you actually reading the Bible knowledgeably and understanding it accurately.
In an engaging, conversational style, Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart take you through a given book of the Bible using their unique, progressive approach. How to Read the Bible Book by Book can be used as a companion to How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth. It also stands on its own as a reliable guide to reading and understanding the Bible for yourself.
“being content with what one has and being generous to the poor,” (Page 293)
“Notice how much of this material is aimed at instructing the disciples. Their attitude toward Samaritan opposition (9:51–55) is eventually challenged by Jesus’ parable in 10:25–37, whose point is to demolish the question ‘Who is my neighbor?’” (Page 293)
“The third consequence of the Fall was our loss of the divine presence and with that our relationship—fellowship—with God.” (Page 16)
“Second, we want to show how the separate entities—each biblical book—fit together as a whole to tell God’s story.” (Page 9)
“It is no accident that the Bible comes to us primarily by way of narrative—but not just any narrative. Here we have the grandest narrative of all—God’s own story. That is, it does not purport to be just one more story of humankind’s search for God. No, this is God’s story, the account of his search for us, a story essentially told in four chapters: Creation, Fall, Redemption, Consummation. In this story, God is the divine protagonist, Satan the antagonist, God’s people the agonists (although too often also the antagonists), with redemption and reconciliation as the plot resolution.” (Page 14)
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Gordon D. Fee is professor of New Testament at Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Douglas Stuart is professor of Old Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
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