Digital Logos Edition
The Gold Medallion Award–winning Expositor’s Bible Commentary is a major contribution to the study and understanding of the Scriptures. Providing pastors and Bible students with a comprehensive and scholarly tool for the exposition of the Scriptures and the teaching and proclamation of their message, this 12-volume reference work has become a staple of seminary and college libraries and pastors’ studies worldwide.
The Expositor’s Bible Commentary uses the New International Version for its English text, but also refers freely to other translations and to the original languages. Each book of the Bible has, in addition to its exposition, an introduction, outline, and bibliography. Notes on textual questions and special problems are correlated with the expository units; transliteration and translation of Semitic and Greek words make the more technical notes accessible to readers unacquainted with the biblical languages. In matters where marked differences of opinion exist, commentators, while stating their own convictions, deal fairly and irenically with opposing views.
“This verse teaches us that in order to be an effective channel for God’s penetrating word, the power of that word must be felt in the person’s own conscience.” (Page 56)
“Moreover, the new covenant is an eternal one. National covenants do not die because of old age. The old covenant spoke of a great physical deliverance from Egypt through the blood of lambs and the power of God; the new covenant proclaims a great spiritual deliverance from sin and death through the efficacious blood of the Lamb of God and the power of God. The Passover Feast memorialized the first, the Lord’s Supper memorializes the second.” (Page 575)
“The seraphs are bright creatures, for the word means ‘burning ones’; yet they hide their faces from the greater brightness and the glory of the Lord.” (Page 55)
“The reduction of the Davidic dynasty to a mere stump is a true metaphor for its condition when Christ was born; for, though still in existence, that dynasty had been without royal power for nearly six hundred years. The reference to Jesse—who was of course never king—rather than to David—who was—may point to the total absence of royal dignity in the house of David when the Messiah would come.” (Page 87)
“Apocalyptic visions were never meant to have every detail interpreted, only the major thrust of the vision was to be grasped.” (Page 925)
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Randall Barkman
J Marais
Avril Russell
Randy Dirrim
Peter Ryan
Christian Mölk
Paul M. Tucker
Thomas Wright