Digital Logos Edition
Based on years of rigorous research and study, this guide provides insightful guidance into the complexities of the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. The author gives special attention to the difficult scholarly challenges associated with their form, structure, and literary history.
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“The following passages in the book of Nehemiah appear to be a first-hand account by Nehemiah himself: chs. 1–2 (preparation and return to Jerusalem); 4–6 (rebuilding of the walls in spite of difficulties); 7:1–5 (defence of the city and start of a move to repopulate Jerusalem); parts of 12:31–43 (dedication of the wall); and 13:4–31 (Nehemiah’s second term as governor).” (Page 15)
“First, they affirm emphatically that God worked directly through the Persian kings for the benefit of his people” (Page 87)
“temple in Jerusalem and the forms of worship centred upon it.” (Page 82)
“after telling of the major reforms of each, he has pulled these chapters together to form a united climax to their work” (Page 43)
“land does not receive overt attention in these books as a token of continuity, it is no doubt to be so regarded” (Page 84)
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Hugh G.M. Williamson is Regius Professor of Hebrew at the University of Oxford. His previous publications include commentaries on 1 and 2 Chronicles in the New Century Bible series, on Ezra and Nehemiah in the World Biblical Commentary series, as well as the monograph Israel in the Books of Chronicles.