Digital Logos Edition
These Library of New Testament Studies volumes on the Gospels and Acts collection provides timely and engaging investigations of issues concerning the Gospels and Acts. These 16 academic volumes contest some long-held arguments and buttress others, but do so through the latest Biblical scholarship and methodology. Topics include the case for an earlier composition of Mark, the intertextual connections to Ezekiel in John and Second Temple literature, the Lukan understanding of the Holy Spirit, the Jewish context for Jesus’ miracles, and many others.
The Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement (renamed the Library of New Testament Studies in 2005) is a premier book series that offers cutting-edge work for a readership of scholars, teachers in the field of New Testament studies, postgraduate students and advanced undergraduates. The series was launched by Sheffield Academic Press in 1981 to complement its associated journal, the Journal for the Study of the New Testament. All the many and diverse aspects of New Testament study are represented and promoted in the series, including innovative work from historical perspectives, studies using social-scientific and literary theory, and developing theological, cultural and contextual approaches.
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