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Products>Studies on Amos Collection (2 vols.)

Studies on Amos Collection (2 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $59.98
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Studies on Amos (2 Vols.) is valuable for anyone who wants to study Amos from the standpoint of theological reflection, as well as for anyone seeking to learn how to relate the text to the world we live in today. In contrast to the other Old Testament prophetic books, Amos is notable in the distinctive introduction it has that includes forewarnings to foreign nations.

Mark Daniel Carroll R. in Contexts for Amos discusses the social imagination covered in Amos. In A Prophet in Debate, a theoretical approach to reading Amos is covered as well as the rhetoric of persuasion and the rhetorical structure, situation and strategy used in Amos.

Key Features

  • Contains a list of references and authors cited
  • Includes a list of abbreviations used

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