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Products>Studies on Song of Solomon (3 vols.)

Studies on Song of Solomon (3 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $59.97
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Studies on the Song of Solomon seeks critical and literary interpretations of this beautiful and provocative book of the Old Testament. There have been many discussions and different readings of this book of the Bible since its inception, and this three-volume set focuses on literal and intended meaning. It also covers imagery and poetic significance, including the importance of images of court life, family, and nature. There are also studies on the text as narrative, as well as contextual, historical, and social discussions. There is a wide variety of scholars included in this collection, including the premier German scholar on the Song of Solomon from the eighteenth century, Johann Gottfried Heder.

Each volume contains extensive introductions to the topics and methodologies used throughout. This is a useful addition to the continuing study of this Old Testament book and will be of interest to students, professors, and those wanting to learn the history and interpretation of the Song of Solomon.

Key Features

  • Critical interpretations of the Song of Solomon
  • Ideal for students and professors
  • Includes helpful notes and cross-references for further Bible study

Product Details

  • Title: Studies on Song of Solomon (3 vols.)
  • Volumes: 3
  • Pages: 638

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  1. Larry Proffitt (I


Collection value: $59.97
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