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Products>Lexham English Bible (LEB) with Audio Old Testament

Lexham English Bible (LEB) with Audio Old Testament

Digital Logos Edition

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A New Literal Translation

The LEB is a new translation of the Bible into English. It clearly communicates the meaning of the original languages and gives you a clear English translation, and shows you how it gets there. It is one of the components in a suite of resources from Lexham Press which connect the original language texts to formal translations.

Help us pay for the development of the Lexham English Bible Audio Old Testament and we'll match your contribution, determined by the final bid amount, in Logos credit. Once it ships, this resource will be free for everyone to enjoy.

Why a new translation?

New translations of the Bible emerge from a quest for greater accuracy, from new scholarly discoveries in linguistics and semantics, from recent advances in lexicography, from new archaeological discoveries, and from a greater understanding of the evolution of the English language. In the case of the LEB, the answer to this question is much simpler.

First, the LEB achieves an unparalleled level of transparency because the LEB has as its starting point the Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament, available separately from Logos Bible Software.

Second, the LEB makes extensive use of the most up-to-date lexical reference works available, Frederick Danker's A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (BDAG) and Louw and Nida's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament based on Semantic Domains.

How can I trust it?

The Lexham English Bible, used with an interlinear, reveals the entire translation process. Follow the path from the original language, to the interlinear, to the English translation, and then back again with a reverse interlinear. You'll never find yourself wondering why the LEB translates a word or phrase a certain way. Identify idioms. Discover the tricky texts. See the difficult lexicographical choices. It's all right there.

The entire translation process is focused and transparent. It was developed through an interlinear process using Logos Bible Software. At any point, you can work from the original languages to the LEB, or from the LEB back to the original languages.

The LEB closely follows the original while remaining readable in contemporary English. The style of the translation is relatively literal, which stems from the desire to have the English translation correspond transparently to the original language text. The translators attempt—within these constraints—to produce a clear and readable English translation instead of a woodenly literal one.

Some words and phrases are difficult to translate, and the LEB is careful to mark these instances:

  • Supplied words are noted with italics. These are words in English implied by English style or structure, or they are grammaticalized from the original language. They may not be found in the original language, but are needed for a sentence to make sense in English.
  • Idioms are noted with corner brackets. Words and phrases that don't convey the meaning when translated literally are idiomatic, and with the LEB you can easily identify them.

Every time the LEB encounters a difficult word or phrase, you'll know—and you'll be able to dig deeper behind the translation itself to find the meaning in the text of the original language.

Key Features

  • See the translation process. In Logos Bible Software, the interlinear—included separately—reveals the path from the original texts to formal translation. This type of information, used in concert with your primary translation, helps you dig deeper. The entire translation process is visible and transparent—you can see the entire process.
  • Tackle the difficult texts. The LEB uses the most up-to-date lexical reference works available, and reveals grammatical, lexical, and idiomatic difficulties in the original languages.
  • A literal translation. Discover the original language texts, even if you're doing English-only Bible study. The LEB is a relatively literal translation which closely follows the original, yet remains readable in contemporary English.
  • Freely available. The LEB is one of the only freely licensed English Bible translations. Download it, read it, and study—all for free.
  • Your second Bible. The LEB complements your primary translation. Its transparent design and literal rendering helps you see the text of God's Word from another angle. Whether you use the ESV, NIV, KJV, or another popular English translation, the entire translation process of the LEB helps you identify difficult texts, idiomatic phrases, grammatical issues, and more. The result? A better understanding of the Bible in English—whatever translation you use.
  • Audio Old Testament. Listen to the warm, genuine, word-for-word narration of Marv Allen. The audio version of the LEB Old Testament will bring you inspiration and a new perspective of the Bible.

Product Details

  • Title: Lexham English Bible (LEB)
  • Editors: W. Hall Harris III, Elliot Ritzema, Rick Brannan, Douglas Mangum, John Dunham, Jeffrey A. Reimer, and Micah Wierenga
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2010, 2012

About the Editors

W. Hall Harris III is Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. During his long tenure as a member of the Seminary faculty, Dr. Harris has traveled and ministered extensively in Western Europe, especially in Germany and Italy. His wife is from Germany and he has close ties to the German Bible Society (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft), including work as editor of the New English Translation—Novum Testamentum Graece New Testament. Dr. Harris serves as project director and managing editor of the NET Bible. He recently has published a commentary on the letters of John, 1, 2, 3 John: Comfort and Counsel for a Church in Crisis. Dr. Harris teaches classes in the use of computer tools and Internet resources for biblical study and exegesis and currently is involved in a project to create a syntactical database for the Greek New Testament. In addition, he has remained active in local church ministry. As an ordained minister he has served as a pastor of single adults, elder, and adult Sunday school teacher.

Elliot Ritzema is an editor for Lexham Press. He has an MDiv from Regent College and served as a copy editing intern at the Los Angeles Times. Previously, he was an editor of—and frequent contributor to—the Et Cetera.

Rick Brannan is Information Architect for Faithlife Corporation, the makers of Logos Bible Software. In his role at Faithlife, he is responsible for linguistic databases of the Greek New Testament, the Septuagint, and other Greek writings of the Hellenistic era. He is also Product Manager for the Lexham English Bible and the Greek New Testament: SBL Edition. He resides in Bellingham with his wife, Amy, and their daughter, Ella.

Douglas Mangum is an academic editor for Lexham Press and a contributor to Bible Study Magazine. He holds a PhD in Hebrew (University of the Free State in South Africa), and is capable of translating Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Syriac, Ugaritic, Moabite, Ammonite, Phoenician-Punic, and Philistine Canaanite.

John Dunham is a writer and editor who is passionate about language and translating the biblical story and its implications into contemporary settings. He also specializes in Bible formatting and serves on Biblica's Bible Design Group. John and his wife Susan live in Colorado with their two daughters, Evadel and Sophrona.

Jeffrey A. Reimer holds a master's degree in systematic theology and is a freelance editor based in Newton, Kansas.

Micah Wierenga is an editor for Bible Publishing at Biblica.


6 ratings

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  1. Penny Casteel

    Penny Casteel


    Please produce a hard copy of the LEB!!! Who do I have to persistently send letters to to make it happen?
  2. Kenneth Rubin

    Kenneth Rubin


    I already have the LEB. Does this version just add the audio, or is it updated?
  3. Brent Hoefling
    still waiting. any update?
  4. Tyson Heyn

    Tyson Heyn


    Would love to see this actually come to pass.
  5. Rev. Dr Richard Obeng
    I am missing my wordsearch app
  6. Roy Kelly

    Roy Kelly


    I Been wait long time.
  7. Mm______Mm



    Can anybody answer Joshua's question? I bid for this in in 2015! Joshua Andrew Jourdain 2/24/2017 What is the current status (as of February 24th, 2017) of this project?
  8. Emerson



    Where are we at on this? ETA? Can we get James Earl Jones to narrarte?
  9. Frank Hodges

    Frank Hodges


    If this happens that'll be awesome.
  10. Mark Spitsbergen
    Still no hard copy of LEB available?


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