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Products>The Old Testament in the New (Approaches to Biblical Studies Series)

The Old Testament in the New (Approaches to Biblical Studies Series)

, 2001
ISBN: 9780567081995

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New Testament authors were convinced that they were living in an age of fulfillment, that the Old Testament was being fulfilled in the life and death of Jesus. One cannot afford to overlook such an important influence on the thoughts and writings of NT authors. This book fills the need for an accessible and well-informed introduction to the Old Testament in the New Testament. It explores the basic issues and offers summaries of the uses of the Old Testament in the Gospels and Acts, in Paul’s letters and in Hebrews, James, and Revelation. Issues of quotation, allusion, and echo are fully explored and placed sensitively in the context of differing approaches. Readers are informed of contemporary debates that have arisen from literary criticism, such as the questions of intertextuality and the uses of allegory.

Moyise also uses the writings of the Qumran community that existed at the time of Jesus to explore how they too believed they were partaking in the fulfillment of God’s promises. This investigation will show what Qumran texts were available in the first century, how they were viewed, and what techniques were used to interpret them.

Top Highlights

“Finally, scholars often speak of ‘echoes’ when the allusion is so slight that conscious intention is unlikely. The biblical authors were so immersed in scripture that they naturally used many of its idioms and expressions as their own. But they were not intending to ‘allude’ to a text as part of an argument or as an important feature of their composition; it just came naturally.” (Page 6)

“In the ancient world, texts were living traditions, regularly updated to apply to new situations. The task of the interpreter then was not to discern what the text meant in the past but what it means today.” (Page 4)

“Allusions are less precise, picking up on a few key words and usually woven into the new composition.” (Page 6)

“It is quoted because the restoration promised in Isaiah is being fulfilled” (Page 22)

“The point is that we are always dealing with an interpreted text” (Page 5)

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Steve Moyise is Professor of New Testament at the University of Chichester and author of The Old Testament in the Book of Revelation, The Old Testament in the New, and The Psalms in the New Testament. He is the series editor of The T&T Clark Approaches to Biblical Studies.

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