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Reading Luke

ISBN: 9781573123938

Digital Logos Edition

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Charles Talbert's effective and insightful commentary enables the reader to grasp the full force of the literary masterpiece that is Luke’s Gospel. Talbert concentrates on Luke’s version of the prophetic nature of Jesus’ life, His anointment by the Holy Spirit and His Galilean ministry, His journey to Jerusalem and His ministry there, and His Martyrdom and Vindication. The author includes two appendixes: one on the fulfillment of prophecy in Luke and Acts, and the other on miracles in Luke and Acts.

Top Highlights

“‘Just as God in the beginning of creation made the world out of nothing, so His manner of working continues unchanged’ (Pelikan, 21.299). If we are to view the miraculous conception of Jesus as Luke viewed it, we must see it as an affirmation of God’s grace that excludes all human merit.” (Page 23)

“‘This sermon teaches not what must be done to enter the kingdom of God, but what is expected of one who is already in the kingdom’” (Page 71)

“Regarding Mary’s significance for the church, the evangelist portrays her as the prototype of the Christian believer: she hears God’s word, holds it fast in an honest and good heart (2:19; 2:51), and brings forth fruit with patience. Here foreshadowed in the virgin mother is the Lukan understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus; she hears God’s word, believes it, and surrenders herself totally to it: ‘Let it be to me according to your word’ (1:38). If we are to view Mary as Luke did, then we must see her as a model for disciples. This Marian model holds not self-knowledge or insight but self-surrender or abandonment to God’s will to be the essence of discipleship.” (Page 27)

“The empowering by the Holy Spirit does not keep Jesus from being tempted: it enables him to be victorious in the midst of temptation.” (Page 47)

“This parable, then, lays out a contrast between lack of faith and faith.” (Page 201)

Charles Talbert, perhaps the foremost interpreter of Luke-Acts among biblical scholars in the United States, has produced an unusual and highly readable commentary. . . Reading Luke will reward every serious student of Luke-Acts with an abundance of astute observations and insights.

—Faith & Mission

An important work. It brings together in one volume the mature insights of a major North American interpreter of Luke-Acts.

—Theological Studies

Charles H. Talbert is Distinguished Professor of Religion at Baylor University. He is the General Editor for Reading the New Testament Commentary and the author of several other editions in the series. He received a B.D. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University. He has written many articles, reviews, commentaries and books, including Reading the Sermon on the Mount. He has the distinction of being the only person to serve as president of both the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion and the Catholic Biblical Association.


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  1. Chan Yew Ming

    Chan Yew Ming



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