Digital Logos Edition
The revised edition is also available: Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, 2nd ed..
The Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels is unique among reference books on the Bible, the first volume of its kind since James Hastings published his Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels in 1909. In the more than eight decades since Hastings our understanding of Jesus, the Evangelists, and their world has grown remarkably. New interpretive methods have illumined the text, the ever-changing profile of modern culture has put new questions to the Gospels, and our understanding of the Judaism of Jesus’ day has advanced in ways that could not have been predicted in Hasting’s day. But for many readers of the Gospels the new outlook remains hidden within technical journals and academic monographs.
Contemporary concerns of general interest are discussed in articles covering such topics as healing, the demonic, and the historical reliability of the Gospels. And for those entrusted with communicating the message, there is an extensive article on preaching from the Gospels.
The Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels presents the fruit of evangelical New Testament scholarship at the end of the 20th century—committed to the authority of Scripture, utilizing the best of critical methods, and maintaining dialog with contemporary scholarship and challenges facing the church.
“In seven passages John records the well-known ‘I Am’ sayings where Jesus describes himself using a graphic metaphor: ‘I am the bread* of life*’ (6:35, 41, 48, 51); ‘I am the light* of the world’ (8:12; 9:5); ‘I am the door of the sheep’ (10:7, 9); ‘I am the good shepherd*’ (10:11, 14); ‘I am the resurrection and the life’ (11:25); ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life’ (14:6); and ‘I am the true vine*’ (15:1, 5).” (Page 354)
“The People of the New Covenant. The new covenant idea in the Gospels reflects Passover traditions and the promise of the ‘new covenant’ of Jeremiah 31:31–34. The new covenant is explicitly alluded to in the words of the Lord’s Supper*: ‘This is my blood of the [new] covenant which is poured out for many’ (Mk 14:24 and par.). Jewish haggadic tradition believed that the blood shed at the first Passover was the blood that established the covenant later proclaimed at Sinai (Tg. Zech 9:11; Mek. Pisḥ §5 [on Ex 12:6]). Just as the blood of the lambs at the first Passover delivered Israel from judgment and made the old covenant possible, so too will the shed blood of Jesus deliver the people of God and establish the new covenant.” (Page 865)
“Although his praying covered the usual times of prayer, morning and evening, his need of prayer, at least on these occasions, went far beyond the formal saying of prayers.” (Page 618)
“Each of the occasions recalled by Mark seems to have been a time of decision and temptation (see Temptation of Jesus) regarding the character and emphases of his vocation. This would explain the longer time spent in prayer on these occasions.” (Page 618)
A splendid achievement! Thanks to some careful and innovative editorial planning and execution, this volume fills a large gap in recent literature on the Gospels and their christologies
—Ralph P. Martin, professor of biblical studies, University of Sheffield, England
This reference work harvests the fruit of the best contemporary evangelical scholarship on the Gospels. Students who seek a responsible, critically conservative perspective on the Gospel traditions will find a rich source of information here. The up-to-date selective bibliographies make this volume especially valuable as a teaching tool.
—Richard B. Hays, associate professor of New Testament, Duke Divinity School
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Joel B. Green is a professor of New Testament interpretation at Fuller Theological Seminary.
Scot McKnight (Ph.D., University of Nottingham) isJulius R. Mantey Chair of New Testament and professor of biblical and theological studies at North Park University in Chicago. His areas of specialization are the historical Jesus, early Christianity, and the New Testament.
I. Howard Marshall is a honorary research professor of New Testament at the University of Aberdeen in Aberdeen, Scotland.
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Tim Latham
Leonard Metsäranta
Robert J Richardson
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Ralph A. Abernethy III
Peggy Askew
Richard Riggs