Digital Logos Edition
The standards for Christian conduct have plagued the church since Pentecost. The early church first became aware of the extent of the nature of this problem when the Holy Spirit began including the half-Jews who were called Samaritans and then, of all things, even the Gentiles. For the early church at first was a very Jewish body which consisted of Old Testament believers who had made the remarkable transition to believers in the dispensation of Grace through personal faith in the resurrected, living. Christ who had died for their sins. This book will help many to find victory over their internal enemy, their wooden horse which was dragged within the gate long ago in Eden.
“Such an approach to a right relationship with God as a believer is one which will leave the believer constantly defeated and disappointed in himself. The reason is that he is looking to himself to find the ability to please the Lord in his conduct as a believer. However, just as when he turned from his own efforts to the Lord to save him, so now he must look to the Lord for the enablement so that he, as a child of God, will be able to please his Heavenly Father.” (source)
“Holy Spirit would lead him (8:14). It actually is saying that the Holy Spirit who was involved in the resurrection of Jesus Christ nearly 2,000 years ago also can lead us as believers into a life which is comparable to resurrection from the dead. In other words, the Holy Spirit who transformed the dead body in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathaea into a living, breathing, resurrected life, also is able to transform our own lives just as if he had opened a tomb for us and had led us forth in new life.” (source)
“Grace is misunderstood by that believer because he has placed his own desires and his own will on the throne of his life.” (source)
“ignore what the consequences of their actions and life styles may be in the lives of others.” (source)
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Erich Javier Astudillo Acevedo