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Products>The Epistles of John: An Expositional Commentary

The Epistles of John: An Expositional Commentary

, 1979
ISBN: 9781441250520

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The three letters of John found near the end of the New Testament have a tendency to be oversimplified or simply overlooked in the study of the Scriptures. However, though these letters may on the surface seem less applicable to our time because they address heresies and church management issues that seem unique to the early church, careful study reveals just how contemporary these concerns are. In this volume of James Montgomery Boice's popular commentary series, pastors, Bible students, and laypersons will find analysis of John's timeless messages of righteousness, truth, and love. Boice explains the meaning of the text verse by verse and subject by subject. Clear language and an approachable style make this commentary accessible and enlightening.

Top Highlights

“The first false claim is a common one; namely, that a person can have fellowship with God at the same time that his life is characterized by unrighteousness.” (Page 31)

“So why was 1 John written? The first answer to this question (and the clearest) is that which John himself gives toward the end of his letter. It is expressed in 5:13: ‘I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.’ The emphasis is on the word ‘know.’ Those to whom it is addressed are Christians. Thus, John’s first purpose is to bring Christians to the absolute assurance of their salvation.” (Pages 11–12)

“For we recognize that it is possible for a group of Christians to be very orthodox in theology and moral in outward behavior and yet have very little love for one another.” (Page 113)

“In answer to this problem John offers three tests which in one form or another are repeated again and again throughout the letter. They are, as distinguished by Law and subsequently restated by Stott, the moral test (the test of righteousness or obedience), the social test (the test of love), and the doctrinal test (the test of belief in Jesus Christ). The first is the test of practical righteousness in the believer’s life.” (Page 14)

“The fact that John speaks of cleansing from sin, using the present tense of the verb, indicates that he does not understand ‘walking in the light’ to mean perfection. Rather, he means a genuine and continuous pursuit of holiness out of which increased fellowship with other Christians and confession of sin will come. It is this that must characterize all who know God.” (Page 31)

Dr. Boice's commentary series is a treasure for the church and for her pastors. No expository preacher can afford to be without it.

—R. C. Sproul

  • Title: The Epistles of John: An Expositional Commentary
  • Author: James Montgomery Boice
  • Publisher: Baker Books
  • Publication Date: 1979
  • Pages: 192

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James Montgomery Boice (1938 - 2000) was senior pastor of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was also president and cofounder of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, the parent organization of The Bible Study Hour, on which Boice was a speaker for more than thirty years.

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