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Products>John F. Walvoord Commentary and Theology Collection (9 vols.)

John F. Walvoord Commentary and Theology Collection (9 vols.)

, 2007–2008

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $121.87
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The John F. Walvoord Commentary and Theology Collection by Galaxie Software will provide you not only with several clear, verse-by-verse commentaries, but also with writings on the Holy Spirit and His work. Also included is a systematic presentation of Jesus Christ covering His past, present, and future works as revealed in both the Old and New Testament.

Dr. Walvoord, one of evangelicalism’s most prominent 20th century leaders, was a man of remarkable depth and breadth. Though best known for his encyclopedic grasp of Bible prophecy, he was also a man who understood and taught the core of Christian theology with unusual clarity and conviction. He was a member of the Dallas Theological Seminary faculty for 50 years and president of DTS for 34 of those years.

Walvoord's first book, published in 1943, was The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ Our Lord, published a quarter of a century later, in 1969, is described by a recent online reviewer as "a great introduction to Christology," and provides depth and breadth seldom found in other books which attempt to capture the complex profundity of Jesus. His dozens of works on prophetic themes all point to the one Dr. Walvoord loved from the depth of his being: Jesus Christ, his Lord.

  • Title: John F. Walvoord Commentary and Theology Collection
  • Author: John F. Walvoord
  • Editor: Roy B. Zuck
  • Volumes: 9
  • Pages: 1,715
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||Partially included
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Total value if sold separately:$19.99

John Flipse Walvoord was born on May 1, 1910, in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. In 1928 Walvoord entered Wheaton College, majoring in Greek and minoring in Latin. With additional course work one summer at the University of Colorado, he was able to complete his undergraduate degree in 1931 with honors. Upon entering the Evangelical Theological College (today, Dallas Theological Seminary), Walvoord pursued a regular curriculum of seminary studies, graduating with both a Th.B. and a Th.M. degree in 1934. By 1936 he completed a Th.D. degree.

Along with the presidency of Dallas Theological Seminary, Walvoord was editor of Bibliotheca Sacra for thirty-three years and contributed a total of 127 articles between 1937 and 1990. Furthermore, he authored thirty books including, The Prophecy Knowledge Handbook available in Libronix. He is also the editor of several works such as The Bible Knowledge Commentary and Systematic Theology, and served on the committee that produced the New Scofield Reference Bible.

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Collection value: $121.87
Save $34.88 (28%)