Digital Logos Edition
This monumental reference work, complete in ten volumes, is the authorized and unabridged translation of the famous Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament—considered by many scholars to be the best New Testament dictionary ever compiled. Mediating between ordinary lexicography and the specific task of exposition, TDNT (published by Eerdmans) treats more than 2,300 theologically significant New Testament words, including the more important prepositions and numbers as well as many proper names from the Old Testament. Presenting the words in the order of the Greek alphabet, the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament typically discusses the following for each word: its secular Greek background, its role in the Old Testament, its use in extra-biblical Jewish literature, and its varied uses in the New Testament. Substantial bibliographies and footnotes supplement the articles.
One of the most widely used and well-respected theological dictionaries ever created, TDNT is indispensable for studies in the Greek New Testament and theology. Words were selected for inclusion in this dictionary based on their theological significance. The historical development and theological nuances of each word are exhaustively explored. The authors trace usage in classical Greek literature, the Old Testament (LXX) and extra-biblical texts, and New Testament passages.
As you can see, TDNT is a massive reference work. The abridged 1,356-page version of TDNT is also available.
For Old Testament study, check out the Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament | TDOT (16 vols.) or save when you get them both in the Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament and New Testament Bundle | TDOT/TDNT (26 vols.).
Read some examples of how our authors leverage the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament in their own study and ministry:
Abbreviations: a commonly cryptic element of most theological works can now be clicked on in Logos, and the user will be provided with the full abbreviation definition from the abbreviation table.
References to both The Works of Philo and The Works of Josephus are enabled. Therefore, if versions of Philo or Josephus are available to the user, these valuable cross references can be examined in their complete context.
The indices of volume ten have been implemented as topic indices within Logos. Specifically:
All Bible references are enabled, allowing the user to click upon a Bible reference to look up the reference in a preferred translation. In addition, discrepancies in versification are automatically dealt with. So, when a verse reference to the Septuagint (LXX) is made, any versification differences are implicitly rectified when the search results are reported back to the user.
Article references by either article name or by volume and page are enabled as well. This allows the user to examine the numerous instances where a given article refers the user to another article within TDNT for clarification and expansion on a given topic or idea.
“κοινωνός means ‘fellow,’ ‘participant.’ It implies fellowship or sharing with someone or in something.” (Volume 3, Page 797)
“The specific nature of ἀγαπᾶν becomes apparent at this point. Ἔρως is a general love of the world seeking satisfaction wherever it can. Ἀγαπᾶν is a love which makes distinctions, choosing and keeping to its object. Ἔρως is determined by a more or less indefinite impulsion towards its object. Ἀγαπᾶν is a free and decisive act determined by its subject. Ἐρᾶν in its highest sense is used of the upward impulsion of man, of his love for the divine.81 Ἀγαπᾶν relates for the most part to the love of God, to the love of the higher lifting up the lower, elevating the lower above others.82 Eros seeks in others the fulfilment of its own life’s hunger. Ἀγαπᾶν must often be translated ‘to show love’; it is a giving, active love on the other’s behalf.” (Volume 1, Page 37)
“a. It means ‘to make small or little,’ ‘to humiliate,’ ‘to weaken,’” (Volume 8, Page 4)
“Yet ἀκολουθεῖν also implies participation in the fate of Jesus.” (Volume 1, Page 214)
“she is to display the lowly and submissive disposition which befits a slave.” (Volume 8, Page 2)
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Gerhard Kittel (1888-1948) was former professor of New Testament both at Greifswald and Tübingen. He undertook the editorial direction of Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament, or Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, in 1928.
Gerhard Friedrich has been Professor of New Testament at the University of Erlangen since 1954.
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (1915-2009) was professor emeritus of Church History and Historical Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. He was best known as the translator of numerous theological books, including Theological Dictionary of the New Testament.
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