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An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture
Andrew M. Davis
Prepare to embark on one of the most rewarding exercises of spiritual and mental labor anyone could ever attempt. Many Christians have at least a few Bible verses committed to memory, but An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture encourages Christians to ramp up Scripture memorization. Daily procedures and techniques guide the reader through memorizing entire chapters and books of the Bible at one time. Author and pastor Dr. Andrew Davis has used these proven method to commit 35
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Logos 5 Reformed Bronze Legacy Library
The Logos 5 Reformed Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic Reformed libraries of Logos 5. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with practical commentary sets and even includes a few key texts to get you started with basic Greek and Hebrew study.
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Infant Baptism and the Silence of the New Testament
Bryan Holstrom
Since the time of the Reformation some Christians have argued that the historic church’s practice of infant baptism is without proper biblical warrant. The most frequently heard refrain from those in this camp is that because the New Testament contains no explicit command to baptize the infant children of believers, the practice is ultimately based upon an “argument from silence.”
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Dictionary of Theological Terms
Alan Cairns (clergyman)
In this dictionary, you will explore the great doctrines of the Christian faith and find what the Bible teaches on the issues that are important to all Christians. It is an excellent resource for Christians at all levels of study. Pastors will find it a compact and dependable source of help for pulpit preparation, students will discover a wealth of information about theological terms and movements, Sunday school teachers will benefit from insights that give substance to their lessons, and everyone who loves the great doctrines of the faith will find the Dictionary of Theological Terms a constant source of instruction and enjoyment.
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Christian Growth from A to Z: A Practical Discipleship Manual for Both New and Growing Christians
Doug Lowery
This thorough and biblical discipleship manual will prove to be practical and edifying for those who are new believers and will challenge those who have known Christ longer to go forward to greater Christ-likeness and spiritual maturity. These four biblical alphabets can be used in many settings: personal study, one-on-one discipleship, small groups, Sunday school class curriculum, and Christian school and home school Bible study material.
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Pastors and Deacons: Servants Working Together
Carl Herbster; Kenneth Howerton
How should a church be organized? What functions do the pastors, deacons, and congregation serve? Who qualifies for the offices of pastors and deacon? How should a church manage its finances? How does a congregation biblically address problems? The authors answer these important questions and many more. As fellow servants in the same church, the authors have collaborated in the writing of this book. Pastors and Deacons is a practical exposition and application of biblical principles of church organization and leadership. The "on-the-job," real-life experiences of the authors make this a particularly practical book.
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The Amazing Cross: The Central Fact of History
Samuel T. Carson
In The Amazing Cross: The Central Fact of History, Samuel Carson connects the Old Testament sacrifices in the book of Leviticus to the saving work of the cross. He explains and illustrates each function of the Levitical sacrifices—burnt offerings, meal offerings, peace offerings, sin offerings and trespass offerings—in relation to Christ's death, offering a multi-dimensional picture of what that death means for the atonement of sin. An easy-to-read devotional study, The Amazing Cross: The Central Fact of History reveals to us the hidden meanings of Christ's role as sacrifice through Old Testament foreshadowing. With Logos, all Scripture references link to your favorite Bible translation. Using the advanced search features of Logos Bible Software, you can perform powerful searches by topic or Scripture reference—finding, for example, every mention of “atonement” or “acceptance.” Integrated with the other resources in your Logos library, The Amazing Cross: The Central Fact of...
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Beginning at Moses: A Guide to Finding Christ in the Old Testament
Michael Barrett
Although not on every line and perhaps not on every page, the message of Christ overshadows the entire Old Testament. Finding Christ is the key that unlocks and locks in the message of the whole Word of God. Jesus Christ is God’s final, perfect, incomparable Word. Beginning at Moses seeks to follow the example of Christ himself who, “beginning at Moses and all the prophets,” expounded from all the Scripture the things concerning himself.
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Logos 6 Reformed Bronze Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Reformed Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with practical commentary sets and even includes a few key texts to get you started with basic Greek and Hebrew study.
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The Gospel According to Isaiah: A Devotional Commentary on Isaiah 53
Timothy J. E. Cross
The prophet Isaiah’s words in Isaiah 53 are so valued that Martin Luther once said that they “ought to be written on parchment of gold and lettered in diamonds.” Timothy J. E. Cross’s The Gospel According to Isaiah: A Devotional Commentary on Isaiah 53 will help you understand why. Written more than 800 years before the birth of Christ, Isaiah 53 actually contains one of the clearest views of the person and work of Christ in all the Scripture. Cross expounds on this prophetic chapter verse-by-verse, explaining the nuances of the text in relation to their historical context and their importance to New Testament theology.
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Well-Driven Nails: The Power of Finding Your Own Voice
Byron Forrest Yawn
At its core this book is about everything seminary and academics never taught us about preaching. Professors don't produce preachers. Preachers are hewn out of the rough granite of experience and time. The author had the privilege of sitting down with some of the most notable preachers of our day and pilfering their hard-earned wisdom and insights. Well-Driven Nails is an accounting of what Byron Yawn learned from these true "professors" of the craft. But, it is also more than a book on preaching. It's about a journey every preacher must take if he is to be a fearless proclaimer of Christ in a room full of critics. It is about finding one's own voice. In this sense it also applies to everyone who struggles to overcome the fear of man in their devotion to Christ.
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Return of the Antichrist and the New World Order
Patrick Heron
When Jesus was asked what would be the signs of His coming at of the end of this age, he said, “As it was in the days of Noah . . . so shall it be.” The main event that occurred in the days of Noah is recorded in Genesis 6:4: “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also after that . . . they were the heroes of old, men of renown.”
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Logos 5 Baptist Bronze Legacy Library
The Logos 5 Baptist Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic Baptist libraries of Logos 5. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with practical commentary sets and even includes a few key texts to get you started with basic Greek and Hebrew study.
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Colección Familia (10 vols.)
Howard Eyrich; Lou Priolo; Paul Tripp; …
Un recurso que responde a las preguntas más inquietantes que el matrimonio enfrenta en búsqueda por vivir el ideal bíblico: cómo comprender más a tu esposa, cómo llegar a ser una esposa idónea, cómo guiar a tus pequeños a Cristo sin frustrarlos, y cómo influenciar a tus hijos adolescentes con principios bíblicos.
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Chariots of God: God's Law in Relation to the Cross and the Christian
Alan Cairns (clergyman)
David described the angels present when God spoke His law at Mount Sinai as "the chariots of God" (Psalm 68:17). His fine symbolism reminds us of the awesome majesty of God at the giving of the law. However, the angels were merely the symbols of the majestic glory of God while His law itself was the essential revelation of it. Thus, the Ten Commandments—even more than the angels at Sinai—may be called God's chariots of fire.
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Promise Unfulfilled: The Failed Strategy of Modern Evangelicalism
Rolland McCune
New Evangelicalism found its beginnings with the formation of the National Association of Evangelicals in 1942. This new group was mainly led by younger professing fundamentalist scholars and leaders who had become dissatisfied with their heritage and wanted to carve out some evangelical middle ground between fundamentalism and neo-orthodoxy. Promise Unfulfilled: The Failed Strategy of Modern Evangelicalism is an analysis of the break-away movement in terms of the issues, ideas, and practices that led to its beginning, its expansion in the 1970s, its subsequent loss of biblical and doctrinal stability, and its slide toward virtual irrelevancy in a postmodern world culture of the twenty-first century. It will be a valuable addition to the pastor’s library and a strategic resource for theological education in Bible colleges and seminaries.
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An Odyssey of Joy: The Message of Philippians (Truth for Today)
Sam Gordon
There are people who enjoy life to the fullest; people who carry joy with them wherever they go. People like the apostle Paul, who, when he found himself in a prison cell in Philippi, started singing praises to God. That’s joy! Real, magnetic, joy! The kind you don’t see very often in today’s society. It’s certainly not in the mass media. It’s not even in many evangelical churches.
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Logos 6 Baptist Bronze Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Baptist Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with practical commentary sets and even includes a few key texts to get you started with basic Greek and Hebrew study.
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A Preparatory Grammar for New Testament Greek
Sidney D. Dyer
A Preparatory Grammar for New Testament Greek is an introductory grammar to the Greek language. It follows a traditional approach to learning the language by fostering a firm foundation of elementary grammatical concepts. With the idea in mind that proficiency in a language is gained through constant practice and repetition, Sidney D. Dyer provides us with a textbook that is heavy on practical application. It includes a glossary of grammatical terms, conjugation charts, and a diagramming manual to further aid language acquisition.
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Saints and Non-Saints: Some Saintly and Not-So-Saintly Figures from Church History
Christa Habegger
Saints. Most of us know them only as the names of churches and the grotesque figures in classic paintings and stained-glass windows. But who were these people dubbed “saints”? What are the facts behind the legends—behind the real human beings with all the weaknesses common to mankind who somehow made their mark on history as holy men and women?
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Logos 6 Pentecostal & Charismatic Bronze Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Pentecostal & Charismatic Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with practical commentary sets and even includes a few key texts to get you started with basic Greek and Hebrew study.
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Ambassador Studies on the Bible Collection (2 vols.)
James B. Williams; Randolph Shaylor
"Is my Bible really the Word of God? Do I have what God gave to His penman? Can I really have God's Word in my language?" These questions are answered in Ambassador Studies on the Bible Collection (2 Vols.)through essays written by dozens of biblical scholars and theologians, including John K. Hutcheson, Sr., Mark Minnick, Hantz Bernard, Randolph Shaylor, John Ashbrook, and many more. This compilation of writings looks at the history of the Bible in America, analyzes various Bible translations, and discusses the reliability of English versions of the Scriptures. Anyone who has felt concern or interest in the history and accuracy of English Bible translations will greatly benefit from the two volumes contained with this collection—whether teacher, professor, student, pastor, or laity.
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An Infinite Journey: Growing toward Christlikeness
Andrew M. Davis
After we’ve come to faith in Christ, God leaves us in this world for a very clear purpose: his own glory. But how are we to glorify God for the rest of our lives? The Bible reveals that God has laid before every Christian two infinite journeys which we are to travel every day: the internal journey of growth into Christlike maturity, and the external journey of worldwide evangelism and missions. This book is a road map for the internal journey, laying out how we are to grow in four major
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How to Pray: Lessons from the Lord's Prayer
Timothy J. E. Cross
When the disciples overheard the Lord Jesus praying, they felt like children in the school of prayer. They truly longed to be able to pray like Jesus but didn't know how. So, on one occasion, they said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples” (Luke 11:1). The result? The greatest example of prayer known to man—the Lord’s Prayer.
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Logos 5 Reformed Starter Legacy Library
The Logos 5 Reformed Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic Reformed libraries of Logos 5. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with study Bible notes, Bible dictionaries, devotionals, and a few key commentaries. The Logos 5 Starter Legacy Library provides essential resources for anyone just getting started with serious Bible study.
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Knowing God through Prayer: The Plan Jesus Gave
William Ray
Knowing God through Prayer: The Plan Jesus Gave is a study of the world’s most famous prayer, the Lord’s Prayer (also known as the Model Prayer or Our Father), based on the premise that Jesus would not have told us to pray a prayer that didn’t work, but that each line of the prayer was meant to bring about answered prayer and real communication with God.
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The Bondage of the Will
Martin Luther
Acknowledged by theologians as one of the great masterpieces of the Reformation, Martin Luther's Bondage of the Will was also Luther's favorite work. Luther responds to Desiderius Erasmus' Diatribe on Free Will with the bluntness, genius, sarcasm, and spirituality that were as much a part of his writing as they were of his colorful personality.
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The Gift of Faith: Discovering the Glory of God in Salvation
Bryan Holstrom
How does a person come to faith in Christ? Is that faith a gift from God or the work of man—or some combination of the two? As Martin Luther wrote long ago, the issue of who does what in the matter of salvation constitutes the most fundamental of questions that the believer in Christ must face. It was the question at the heart of the struggle to reform the church in the sixteenth century, and it has resurfaced as a source of contention within the evangelical church of our day.
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Logos 6 Silver Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library, including advanced reference works and original language materials.
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Great Invitations
David Whitcomb
Evangelists must be careful to maintain a delicate balance. What devout Christian does not long to see sinners converted and brought into the Church? It is hard to imagine a person who has been redeemed from the power and penalty of sin, not desiring for other needy people to come to same salvation.
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