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Reformation Study Bible Notes (2015)
R. C. Sproul
One of today’s most respected resources for personal Bible study, the new Reformation Study Bible notes are now thoroughly revised and expanded, providing 44% more commentary than the original edition—with 20,000 new, revised, or expanded study notes and 1.1 million total words of commentary. A group of 75 distinguished biblical scholars and theologians, led by R.C. Sproul, contribute to this new edition, providing expertise and essential tools for studying the Bible.
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Everyone’s a Theologian: An Introduction to Systematic Theology
R. C. Sproul
Many people react negatively to the word theology, believing that is involves dry, fruitless arguments about minute points of doctrine. They prefer to focus on the basic truths of Scripture and may even declare, “No creed but Christ.” But as R.C. Sproul argues, everyone is a theologian. Any time we think about a teaching of the Bible and strive to understand it, we are engaging in theology. Therefore, it is important that we put the Bible’s varied teachings together in a systematic fashion using proper, time-tested methods of interpretation so as to arrive at a theology that is founded on truth. That is precisely what Sproul does in Everyone’s a Theologian. Sproul, demonstrating his trademark ability to make complex subjects easily understood, surveys the basic truths of the Christian faith, reminding us once more of what God is like and of what he has done for his people in this world and the next. With Logos Bible Software, this valuable volume is enhanced with cutting-edge...
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John (St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary | StAEC)
R. C. Sproul
In John, the second volume in the St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary series, Dr. Sproul deals with major themes in his easily understandable style. Readers will find invaluable insights into the goals John had in writing his Gospel, the background for Jesus’ time, and the meanings of some of John’s most difficult passages.
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Holy, Holy, Holy: Proclaiming the Perfections of God
Alistair Begg; D. A. Carson; Derek W. H. Thomas; …
The angels in Isaiah’s vision of God’s heavenly temple (Isa. 6) used threefold repetition to praise his holiness, the superlative form of emphasis in the Hebrew language. Their cry tells us that nothing is as significant as the holiness of God.
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St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary | StAEC (5 vols.)
R. C. Sproul
An exceptional communicator and gifted expositor, R.C. Sproul adeptly explains and applies the Word to mind, will, and affections. Presenting the fruit of his lifetime of biblical study, the St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary series adapts his verse-by-verse preaching into indispensable tools for digging deeper into God’s Word. These volumes of expositional sermons—covering Matthew, Mark, Acts, Romans, and 1–2 Peter—are rich with penetrating insights into both what the text means, and how to preach it. The St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentariy is a series resulting from years of careful preparation and Bible-centered preaching. Delivered from a pastor’s heart for his congregation, readers will find this volume readable, applicable, appropriately paced, and thoroughly biblical. Here is an opportunity to sit at the feet of an eminent scholar and teacher, encountering the Word of God.
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Reformation Study Bible (Bible and Notes)
R. C. Sproul
One of today’s most respected resources for personal Bible study, the new Reformation Study Bible notes are now thoroughly revised and expanded, providing 44% more commentary than the original edition—with 20,000 new, revised, or expanded study notes and 1.1 million total words of commentary. A group of 75 distinguished biblical scholars and theologians, led by R.C. Sproul, contribute to this new edition, providing expertise and essential tools for studying the Bible.
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Mark (St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary)
R. C. Sproul
In Mark, the fifth volume in the series, Dr. Sproul deals with major themes in his easily understandable style. Readers will find invaluable insights into the goals Mark had in writing his Gospel, the background for Jesus’ time, and the meanings of some of Mark’s most difficult passages. This introduction to the gospel of Mark is packed with insights and exhortations that will draw the reader closer to the Savior and encourage him or her to a greater depth of love and devotion to him.
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The Prayer of the Lord
R. C. Sproul
What is the Lord’s Prayer? In The Prayer of the Lord, Dr. R.C. Sproul writes, “Jesus’ intent was to give his disciples a model prayer, an example to follow, one that would teach them transferable principles for conversation with God.” In short, Christ gave the Lord’s Prayer to teach his disciples about prayer, and Dr. Sproul, in his trademark fashion, brings out many of the truths Christ intended for his followers to learn.
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Reformed Study Bible Pack, 4 vols. (Bibles and Notes)
Joel R. Beeke; Michael Barrett; R. C. Sproul; …
This pack of English Bibles and Reformed Study Bibles provides two trust formal equivalence translations and two excellent sources of study notes to assist you in your study of Scripture.
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Surprised by Suffering: The Role of Pain and Death in the Christian Life
R. C. Sproul
Suffering often seems to catch us by surprise. One day we are healthy, comfortable, and happy. The next we find ourselves ill or injured, struggling, and distraught. The pain that invades our lives may come from our own suffering or that of a loved one. But no matter the source, we didn’t see it coming. All too often, our perplexity prompts us to suspect God of wrongdoing.
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Foundations of Grace (1400 BC–AD 100)
Dr. Steven J. Lawson
Understanding the doctrines of grace will give you a clearer picture of God’s sovereignty. From the lawgiver Moses to the apostle John, and from the early church fathers to modern defenders of the faith, there has marched onto the stage of human history a long line of godly men, a triumphant parade of spiritual stalwarts who have upheld the doctrines of grace.
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Sola Scriptura: The Protestant Position on the Bible
Don Kistler
Sola Scriptura: The Protestant Position on the Bible, the formal principle of the Protestant Reformation, is essential to genuine Christianity, for it declares that the Bible is the inspired word of God, the church’s only rule of faith and practice. Yet this doctrine is under assault today as never before, both from outside and inside the church.
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Abortion: A Rational Look at an Emotional Issue
R. C. Sproul
In Abortion: A Rational Look at an Emotional Issue, Dr. R.C. Sproul employs his unique perspective as a highly experienced pastor-theologian and a trained philosopher to provide well-considered and compassionate answers to the difficult questions that attend termination of pregnancy. Dr. Sproul strives for a factual, well-reasoned approach informed by careful biblical scholarship. He considers both sides of this issue in terms of biblical teaching, civil law, and natural law. This edition has been updated to reflect developments in the issue of abortion.
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In Christ Alone: Living the Gospel-Centered Life
Sinclair Buchanan Ferguson
Noted theologian, pastor, and educator Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson explores aspects of the person and work of Jesus in his latest book, In Christ Alone. This collection of articles is designed to help believers gain a better understanding of their Savior and the Christian faith, and to live out that faith in their day-to-day lives.
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The Masculine Mandate: God's Calling to Men
Richard D. Phillips
There is a crying need in the church today for men to be men. But competing visions for what a man is to be—some growing out of popular culture and others arising from flawed teaching in the church—are exacerbating the problem.
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Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow
R. C. Sproul
People need to maintain a diet of nutritious foods if their bodies are to grow and thrive. But what do the people of God need in order to grow and thrive in the Christian faith? In Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow, noted theologian and pastor R.C. Sproul identifies five of the crucial “nutrients” that promote spiritual growth: Bible study, prayer, worship, service, and stewardship. With biblical insight and practical wisdom, Dr. Sproul teaches Christians how to maintain a balanced “diet” that will lead to growth and mature Christian living. This book is an important resource for new believers to learn these spiritual disciplines and become grounded in the Christian faith in a way that anyone can understand.
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None Other: Discovering the God of the Bible
John F. MacArthur
The Bible’s teaching on God’s love, holiness, and sovereignty is often met with questions about human responsibility, suffering, and evil. If God is in control of everything, can we make free choices? If God is good and all-powerful, how can we account for natural disasters and moral atrocities? Answers to these questions are often filled with technical jargon and personal assumptions that don’t take into account the full scope of biblical truth. In None Other: Discovering the God of the Bible, Dr. John MacArthur shows that the best way to discover the one true God is not through philosophical discourse but a careful study of Scripture—the primary place where God has chosen to reveal himself.
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Pillars of Grace (AD 100–1564)
Dr. Steven J. Lawson
The doctrines of grace are often known as the five points of Calvinism, but they were not the invention of John Calvin or his reforming cohorts of the sixteenth century. Rather, they are biblical doctrines, as Dr. Steven J. Lawson demonstrated in his book Foundations of Grace.
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Living for God’s Glory: An Introduction to Calvinism
Joel R. Beeke
The theological system known as Calvinism is often caricatured as harsh, dour, and illogical. But as Dr. Joel R. Beeke argues in this important new book, this image could not be further from the truth. Beeke, a pastor, educator, editor, and prolific author, shows instead that Calvinism is a theology that is firmly rooted in Scripture and works its way out into every area of the believer’s life.
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Are We Together?: A Protestant Analyzes Roman Catholicism
R. C. Sproul
In recent years, some evangelical Protestant leaders have signed statements pledging themselves to joint social action with Roman Catholics. Others have refused to participate, declaring that, in their view, the statements went too far, touching on the gospel, which remains a point of disagreement between Protestants and Roman Catholics. Many evangelical Christians have found themselves confused by the different directions taken by their leaders. In Are We Together? A Protestant Analyzes Roman Catholicism, R.C. Sproul takes his stand for the cardinal doctrines of Protestantism in opposition to the errors of the Roman Catholic Church. Sproul, a passionate defender of the gospel of justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, cites the historic statements of the Protestant Reformers and the Roman Catholic authorities, then references modern doctrinal statements to show that the Roman Catholic Church has not altered its official positions. In light of...
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By Grace Alone: How the Grace of God Amazes Me
Sinclair Buchanan Ferguson
Are you truly amazed by God’s grace? Or have you grown accustomed to it? Yes, we sing of God’s “Amazing Grace,” but do you truly understand what you as a Christian have experienced in receiving the grace of God? Or do you take divine grace for granted?
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The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards
Dr. Steven J. Lawson
Jonathan Edwards is well known as perhaps the greatest theologian the United States has ever produced. He is equally noted for his preaching and writing. But in this Long Line Profile, Dr. Steven J. Lawson considers the unique focus and commitment with which Edwards sought to live out the Christian faith.
Sale $8.99
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John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, and Doxology
Burk Parsons
In celebration of the five hundredth anniversary of John Calvin’s birth, Burk Parsons, editor of Tabletalk magazine and associate minister at St. Andrew’s in Sanford, Fla., has brought together an impressive group of pastors and scholars to reconsider Calvin’s life and legacy.
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The Expository Genius of John Calvin
Dr. Steven J. Lawson
Looking to the past for outstanding Bible-based, Christ-centered, and life-changing preaching, Dr. Steven J. Lawson focuses on sixteenth-century Geneva, Switzerland. It was there that John Calvin ministered for decades as a faithful shepherd to a flock of believers.
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2025 Reformed Bronze
The Reformed Bronze Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Reformed Bronze Library builds on everything included in the Reformed Starter Library, adding even more Bible study tools and additional reference works like Layman’s Bible Commentary Set (12 vols.) and practical resources like Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains | DBL: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek (3 vols.).
Sale $89.99
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Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching
Don Kistler
The apostle Paul declared that “what we preach” was “folly” in the eyes of many in his time (1 Cor. 1:21). Such is always the world’s response to the gospel. But in our day, it seems that the method behind Paul’s message—preaching—is itself an object of ridicule, even within the evangelical church.
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The Lord's Prayer Collection (10 vols.)
Arthur Walkington Pink; C. Clifton Black; Douglas Connelly; …
When Jesus gave his disciples a model prayer, he demonstrated both the simplicity of praying to the Father but also the weightiness of approaching God. The resources included in this collection provide you with both breadth and depth for studying the Lord’s Prayer, the historical context, and utilizing it in your own prayer habits. With contributions and perspectives from Tertullian, Cyprian of Carthage, Origen, Thomas Aquinas, A. W. Pink, R. C. Sproul, N. T. Wright, and others, this collection provides multiple resources covering a great span of church history.
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2025 Reformed Silver
The Reformed Silver Library makes Bible study simple and fast by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. It comes with over 200 books, with advanced reference works for understanding the biblical context of God’s Word for You | GWFY (33 vols.).
Sale $349.99
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How the Gospel Brings Us All the Way Home
Derek W. H. Thomas
In How the Gospel Brings Us All the Way Home, Dr. Derek W. H. Thomas explores Romans 8, which he calls “the best chapter in the Bible.” Here he finds an exposition of the steps through which God leads his people in the process of their salvation, but also loving counsel on such topics as prayer and resisting the Devil, as well as exhortations and comforts for weary pilgrims.
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Jesus the Evangelist: Learning to Share the Gospel from the Book of John
Richard D. Phillips
Rev. Richard D. Phillips digs into the early chapters of the Gospel of John to discover principles you can use for Christian outreach that were modeled by witnesses for Jesus and by Jesus himself. Phillips unfolds biblical principles for evangelism by examining the ministry of John the Baptist and the calling of the first of Jesus’ disciples.
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