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Master Journal Bundle 10.1 (2,600+ vols.)
Examine issues in theology, biblical studies, ministry, and church history with distinguished scholars and practitioners from around the world with the Master Journal Bundle 10.1. Featuring journals that zoom in on a specific topic in each installment or volume, as well as eclectic journals that provide commentary and insight on a variety of topics, this bundle adds massive breadth to your library. Draw on a wealth of ecclesiastical experience and theological reflection and inform your passion for the church while you deepen your understanding of theology, history, and Scripture. The Master Journal Bundle 10.1 features 15+ new volumes and includes everything found in the Academic Journal Bundle 10.1 and the Theology Journal 10.1.
Ships Apr 2025
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Scholar's Journal Collection (2,844 vols.)
Including issues from Semeia, The American Journal of Theology, Bibliotheca Sacra, Christian History Magazine, just to name a few, this collection of resources will enhance your studies with some of the best biblical and theological scholarship from more than the past one hundred years. With the Scholar's Journal Collection, study pivotal issues in history, critical biblical interpretation, and archaeology with distinguished scholars from around the world.
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2025 Ultimate Library
Our largest package, the 2025 Ultimate Library, provides an incredible library for biblical research and theological reflection. Whether focused on Church history or biblical exegesis, the vast collection of resources and titles at your fingertips cover the gamut—from most devotionals to practical discussions of pastoral ministry to the most rigorous scholarly and academic research. This package has everything you need to engage in the serious study of Scripture and its world, with respected resources like the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS (382 vols.) and top-tier exegetical commentaries like the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC (51 vols.).
Sale $23,999.99
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Master Journal Bundle 7.4 (2,480+ vols.)
Examine issues in theology, biblical studies, ministry, and church history with distinguished scholars and practitioners from around the world with the Master Journal Bundle 7.4. Featuring journals that zoom in on a specific topic in each installment or volume, as well as eclectic journals that provide commentary and insight on a variety of topics, this bundle adds massive breadth to your library. Draw on a wealth of ecclesiastical experience and theological reflection and inform your passion for the church while you deepen your understanding of theology, history, and Scripture. The Master Journal Bundle 7.4 features 20+ new volumes and includes everything found in the Academic Journal Bundle 7.4 and the Theology Journal 7.4.
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2025 Anglican Portfolio
The Anglican Portfolio library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Anglican Portfolio Library takes everything in the Anglican Diamond Library and adds even more to your library. The Anglican Portfolio LIbrary contains key sets including SIL Exegetical Summary Series | SILES (34 vols.), Fathers of the Church: A New Translation (148 vols.), Reformation Commentary on Scripture Collection | RCS (20 vols.), Conversations with Scripture Series (12 vols.), and many more. The Anglican Portfolio Library is excellent for academic research or advanced exegesis.
A subscription is required to purchase this library. Subscribe today
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Churchman Journal (99 vols.) (1886–2012)
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society, the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for the evangelical Anglican Church throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection gathers 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical movement in the Church today. Including ministry resources, discussion of pertinent theological issues, and historical analysis, Churchman is a vital tool for evangelicals in a time of rapid change and confusion in the Church of England.
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Master Journal Bundle 8.2 (2,510+ vols.)
Examine issues in theology, biblical studies, ministry, and church history with distinguished scholars and practitioners from around the world with the Master Journal Bundle 8.2. Featuring journals that zoom in on a specific topic in each installment or volume, as well as eclectic journals that provide commentary and insight on a variety of topics, this bundle adds massive breadth to your library. Draw on a wealth of ecclesiastical experience and theological reflection and inform your passion for the church while you deepen your understanding of theology, history, and Scripture. The Master Journal Bundle 8.2 features 15+ new volumes and includes everything found in the Academic Journal Bundle 8.2 and the Theology Journal 8.2.
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Master Journal Bundle 9.3 (2,585+ vols.)
Examine issues in theology, biblical studies, ministry, and church history with distinguished scholars and practitioners from around the world with the Master Journal Bundle 9.3. Featuring journals that zoom in on a specific topic in each installment or volume, as well as eclectic journals that provide commentary and insight on a variety of topics, this bundle adds massive breadth to your library. Draw on a wealth of ecclesiastical experience and theological reflection and inform your passion for the church while you deepen your understanding of theology, history, and Scripture. The Master Journal Bundle 9.3 features 10+ new volumes and includes everything found in the Academic Journal Bundle 9.3 and the Theology Journal 9.3.
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Theology Journal Bundle 10.1 (1,340+ vols.)
Examine issues in theology, biblical studies, ministry, church history with distinguished scholars and practitioners from around the world with the Theological Journal Bundle 10.1. Featuring journals that zoom in on a specific topic in each instalment or volume, as well as eclectic journals that provide commentary and insight on a variety of topics, this bundle adds impressive breadth to your library. Draw on a wealth of ecclesiastical experience and theological reflection to inform your passion for the church while you deepen your understanding of theology, history, and Scripture. The Theology Journal Bundle 10.1 features 10+ new volumes that are also found in our comprehensive Master Journal Bundle 10.1.
Ships Apr 2025
The Churchman: Volume 106, Nos. 1–4
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society—the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for evangelical Anglicans throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection contains 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical mov...
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The Churchman: Volume 1, Nos. 1–12
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society—the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for evangelical Anglicans throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection contains 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical mov...
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2025 Anglican Diamond
The Anglican Diamond Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Anglican Diamond Library takes everything in the Anglican Platinum Library and adds even more to your library, with scholarly series like The IVP Bible Dictionaries (8 vols.), Spectrum Multiview Book Series (27 vols.), Ancient Christian Doctrine Series (5 vols.), and Churchman Journal (99 vols.) (1886–2012). With over 1700 volumes of advanced biblical reference works, this is an ideal package for anyone doing academic research or advanced exegesis.
A subscription is required to purchase this library. Subscribe today
The Churchman: Volume 119, Nos. 1–4
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society—the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for evangelical Anglicans throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection contains 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical mov...
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The Churchman: Volume 39, No. 1
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society—the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for evangelical Anglicans throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection contains 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical mov...
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Theology Journal Bundle 7.4 (1,285+ vols.)
Examine issues in theology, biblical studies, ministry, church history with distinguished scholars and practitioners from around the world with the Theological Journal Bundle 7.4. Featuring journals that zoom in on a specific topic in each instalment or volume, as well as eclectic journals that provide commentary and insight on a variety of topics, this bundle adds impressive breadth to your library. Draw on a wealth of ecclesiastical experience and theological reflection to inform your passion for the church while you deepen your understanding of theology, history, and Scripture. The Theology Journal Bundle 7.4 features 9+ new volumes that are also found in our comprehensive Master Journal Bundle 7.4.
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The Churchman: Volume 108, Nos. 1–4
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society—the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for evangelical Anglicans throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection contains 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical mov...
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The Churchman: Volume 112, Nos. 1–4
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society—the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for evangelical Anglicans throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection contains 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical mov...
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The Churchman: Volume 117, Nos. 1–4
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society—the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for evangelical Anglicans throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection contains 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical mov...
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The Churchman: Volume 127, Nos. 1–4
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society—the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for evangelical Anglicans throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection contains 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical mov...
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The Churchman: Volume 17, Nos. 1–12
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society—the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for evangelical Anglicans throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection contains 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical mov...
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The Churchman: Volume 46, Nos. 1–3
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society—the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for evangelical Anglicans throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection contains 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical mov...
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The Churchman: Volume 50, Nos. 1–2
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society—the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for evangelical Anglicans throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection contains 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical mov...
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The Churchman: Volume 58, Nos. 1–4
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society—the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for evangelical Anglicans throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection contains 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical mov...
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The Churchman: Volume 59, Nos. 1–4
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society—the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for evangelical Anglicans throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection contains 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical mov...
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The Churchman: Volume 60, Nos. 1–4
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society—the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for evangelical Anglicans throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection contains 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical mov...
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The Churchman: Volume 84, Nos. 1–4
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society—the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for evangelical Anglicans throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection contains 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical mov...
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The Churchman: Volume 85, Nos. 1–4
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society—the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for evangelical Anglicans throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection contains 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical mov...
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The Churchman: Volume 88, Nos. 1–4
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society—the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for evangelical Anglicans throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection contains 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical mov...
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The Churchman: Volume 94, Nos. 1–4
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society—the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for evangelical Anglicans throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection contains 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical mov...
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The Churchman: Volume 105, Nos. 1–4
Church Society
Upholding the Bible, supporting the church, and reaching society—the Church Society has been building on the evangelical foundations of the Church of England for over 100 years. Their theological journal, Churchman, provides intellectual leadership for evangelical Anglicans throughout the world. Gathering publications from as early as 1886, this collection contains 99 issues of Churchman that provide both insight into evangelical Anglican history, and cutting-edge articles on the evangelical mov...
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