The Gospel of Christ reading group
General • 64 members
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- Anyone having problems with the site? I keep getting “server not responding” when I try to continue reading. I can check to see where the daily reading starts and just use the Bible.
- Hey. I’ve been a bit behind on my reading so hard for me to tell. I will try to check on it
- Joey, it is fixed. Thank you!
- Where is the new plan, Joey? I just started one I found on one of my's chronological again.
- I just finished my last reading in Revelations. I have really enjoyed reading the Bible in chronological order. Thank you for having this available.
- Glad you enjoyed it. I always like to read in chronological order at least every few years. It changes some of my perspective on events based on when they happened in relation to scriptures. I will work on building a new reading plan. Any suggestions?
- If you are using the faithlife or logos app you should be able to find “overview” and manually complete a reading. I know on logos on my iPad I can also see last readings.
- I am reading it on the web. Mike reset my password and it is working now. I’ll let you know if I have any other issues. Thank you!
- No issues on my part. I use Android app for my reading.
- Is anyone else having problems with reading Thursday’s scriptures in Jeremiah 7:30-10:25? When I click on continue reading, it takes me to John 1. Maybe I’m just doing something wrong.
- It is possible that the chronology fits though but seems a bit soon to be hitting the New Testament. I’ll check the source too
- Thank you!
- What device are you using? I will try to catch up tonight and see if it duplicates.