• First day of the year! First reading of the year. I’m excited to be apart of this group and to read through the Bible with y’all this year!
    1. I actually got a few days ahead but I’m sure with my travels I’ll slow down :). Glad to have you.
  • Feel free to invite anyone you would like to the group. The plan for 2025 is a Chronological reading in the NKJV. Happy reading!
    1. Anyone having problems with the site? I keep getting “server not responding” when I try to continue reading. I can check to see where the daily reading starts and just use the Bible.
      1. Hey. I’ve been a bit behind on my reading so hard for me to tell. I will try to check on it
      2. Joey, it is fixed. Thank you!
    2. Finished my first reading today! Hope all that have joined will comment here as you progress. Any are welcome to add others as well as discuss any questions here as long as no "arguments" encite. God bless!
      1. A new reading plan has been posted for 2024!
        1. Where is the new plan, Joey? I just started one I found on one of my apps...it's chronological again.
      2. I just finished my last reading in Revelations. I have really enjoyed reading the Bible in chronological order. Thank you for having this available.
        1. Glad you enjoyed it. I always like to read in chronological order at least every few years. It changes some of my perspective on events based on when they happened in relation to scriptures. I will work on building a new reading plan. Any suggestions?
      3. I am not able to connect to the daily readings. Is there a problem with the website? I can only bring it up about once a week.
        1. I was able to listen today from the app.
        2. Please tell me which app.
        3. Study Bible
      4. Mine will not go anywhere except John! When will this be fixed?
        1. If you are using the faithlife or logos app you should be able to find “overview” and manually complete a reading. I know on logos on my iPad I can also see last readings.
        2. I am reading it on the web. Mike reset my password and it is working now. I’ll let you know if I have any other issues. Thank you!
        3. No issues on my part. I use Android app for my reading.
      5. Is anyone else having problems with reading Thursday’s scriptures in Jeremiah 7:30-10:25? When I click on continue reading, it takes me to John 1. Maybe I’m just doing something wrong.
        1. It is possible that the chronology fits though but seems a bit soon to be hitting the New Testament. I’ll check the source too
        2. Thank you!
        3. What device are you using? I will try to catch up tonight and see if it duplicates.
      6. Hope all are doing well. I am a few days ahead because I am heading to the FHU lectures next weekend and will not be able to focus every day. That is usually where I fall short. It is encouraging to see so many in the group and I pray that your reading is beneficial to you as much as mine is to me.