The River
Church • Alto, GA • 66 members • 10 followers
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- To all who will be interested in helping prepare plates for the homeless in Gainesville, your help will be much appreciated. Between now and Saturday January 14th, the following items will be needed for about 50 bags. Stocking Caps, warm socks, small packs of Kleenex, hand warmers, gloves, Vienna sausages, potted meat, breakfast bars, pop tarts, nutri grain bars, fruit, small fruit cups, gum, and hand cream. Sherry and I will be meeting at the church on Saturday January 14th at 9:00a.m. To put these plates together, we’ll try leaving for Gainesville by 10:00a.m. to deliver these, thanks in advance for all your help and support.
- To all who will be interested in helping prepare bags and plates for the homeless in Gainesville, your help will be much appreciated. Between now and Saturday January 14th, the following items will be needed for about 100 bags. Stocking Caps, warm socks, small packs of Kleenex, hand warmers, gloves, Vienna sausage, potted meat, breakfast bars, pop tarts, nutri grain bars, fruit, small fruit cups, gum, and hand cream. Items needed for the plates are as follows, ham, dressing, gravy, cranberry sauce, corn casserole, green beans, roll, and waters. Sherry and I will be meeting at the church on Saturday January 14th at 9:00 a.m. to put these plates and bags together, we’ll try leaving for Gainesville by 10:00 to deliver these, thanks in advance for all your help.
- Sherry and I will be be at the church on Saturday morning 9/10 at 9:00 a.m. to put bags together for the homeless, we’ll leave the church at about 10:00 a.m. to take these bags to Gainesville to hand out to the homeless. All who are interested in being a part of this are welcome to come and join us. Some items we’ll be collecting for the homeless, not just for 9/10 but going forward are as follows. Backpacks, Batteries, Blankets, Bug Spray, Can food with pull off lids, Flashlights, Gloves, Hand Warmers, Kleenex, Marshmallows, Matches, Men&Womens Shoes, Mens Clothes, Ramen Noodles Soup, Sleeping Bags, Snacks(peanut butter crackers, fruit bars, fruit cups, etc.), Socks, Tabogins, Tents, TunaSalad W/Crackers, Toilet Paper, Trash Bags, Wipes, Women’s Clothes and anything else that would be of benefit to these homeless men and women. Thank y’all so much for your help and dedication to this ministry.
- I'm planning on coming
- We’ll be meeting at the church on Saturday morning July 9th at 8:30 to prepare meals and bags for the homeless. We’ll leave the church by 10:00 a.m. to deliver these items to the homeless in Gainesville. Some items that we’re looking to collect are reading glasses, backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, fold up chairs, mens shorts, mens pants, shirts, shoes and flip flops. All donations of these items are greatly appreciated, if anyone has questions, please contact Sherry at 706-614-9055, Thank You.
- Hello church family, Sherry and I will be at the church on Saturday morning 6/11 at 8:30 to prepare meals and bags for the homeless in Gainesville. We’ll leave the church by 10:00 a.m. to meet in Gainesville at 11:00 a.m to distribute these items. I apologize for not posting this sooner and understand if other plans have been made. We plan on continuing this going forward on the second Saturday of each month and I’ll do my best to post reminders in a more timely fashion. Thanks to all who have been a part of and who have contributed to this ministry, your help has been very much appreciated. If anyone has questions, please contact Sherry at 706-614-9055.
- We’ll be meeting at 8:30 Saturday morning at the church to put together bags for the homeless. We’re in need of breakfast bars, pop tarts, instant oatmeal, any other breakfast items that are individually packed. We’ll leave the church by 10:00 a.m. to deliver these to the homeless in Gainesville. Any questions please contact Sherry at 706-614-9055, Thank You.