•  — Edited

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  • As we continue our study on becoming "Competent and Ethical" readers of scripture our attention has turned to establishing the date and historical context of Luke's Gospel. I've attached several screen shots of notable resources that discuss the topics. Included with these files are additional screen shots of suggested resources to assist in your knowledge of 1st Century Judea.
    1. On Wednesday evenings we are studying how to be "Competent and Ethical Readers" of scripture. We are using the Gospel of Luke as our text to employ the new skills gained through the study. Logos Mobile Ed has numerous helpful videos (available on FaithlifeTV) discussing the historical context of Luke's Gospel. I've attached PNG files listing several relevant courses.
      1. So many great resources!
    2. Adventures in Listening A major difference exists between message and meaning. Messages are transmitted verbally while meanings exist in the hearts and minds of people. Communicators start with meanings and formulate them into messages which they speak to listeners. Listeners receive the messages and construct within their minds sets of meanings that may or may not correspond with the meanings intended by the communicator. Meanings, therefore, do not pass from the speaker to the listener, only messages. If a listener is positively disposed toward the communicator and the messages, it is likely that they will construct meanings that are at least favorable toward what is being said. Misunderstanding may still occur, but it is likely the speaker will receive the benefit of the doubt. If, on the other hand, the listener is negative toward the speaker and/or the messages, they are likely to attach unfavorable meanings to the messages regardless of whether or not they understand them. Kraft, Charles H. “Workman Lectures Series.” Ashland Theological Journal Volume 12 12 (1979): 34–35. Print.
      1. Please pray.

        I am praying for something simple. My laptop is dieing and i need this for my job. Everything i do with clients involve using a laptop or ipad. Unfortunately the repair would be costly as would buying a new one. I am praying for a small miracle. Please pray for my situation. Thank you
        1. Great news. I now have a new ipad. I dropped my laptop today so thankfully i was able to finagle this with the Lords help. Thank you for praying. Bob
      2. Years ago I had my personal encounter with God's amazing love. Recently, I have been challenged by Ephesians 5:10 NLT to demonstrate my love for Him in tangible ways. Discovering those things that please Him seems so inadequate, but is there any other way to truly show Him that I love Him? YOUR THOUGHTS?
        1. Jesus said that anyone that loves him will keep his word. (John 14:23) And those that do not love him will not keep his word. (John 14:24) With that said, it's not likely that he is looking for people to express their love for him by rigidly following every detail of the word.