Fortress Press
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- Biblical Influence & Life Application: Revelation 3:4-6 The Promise; To Everyone Who Conquers Will Be Clothed In White, And I Will Not Erase His Name From The Book Of Life (modesofinfluence.blogspot.com)Biblical Influence & Life Applicationmodesofinfluence.blogspot.com
- Please pray for my grandson Donald, who is a twin to his brother Ephriam. At 4 he was diagnosed with stage 4 Neuroblastoma Cancer. On the way to his first round of chemo, he turned to me and said; God got me. I'm not sick. I am better. I have stood in agreement with him. The twins will be 7 this month, and I am so grateful to God for the gift of life. After being in remission, for 3 years, the cancer has returned. I believe God still has him. Dr's may say their is nothing more they can do, but my God Dr. Jesus can. So, I am asking all of God's children to stand in agreement with Donald and me. God got him. He is not sick. He is getting better. In Jesus Name. Amen.
- Yes amen, Alice Miler is praying your Grandson that Gods mercy will be extended, In Jesus Name
- May the Lord Almighty glorify His name in the life of your grand son Donald, may His merciful hand be over him and heal him. May the Lord give you and all your family faith and strength your hearts during these difficult times and comfort you with the hope that there is nothing that can separate Donal from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus his Lord. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called accordingly to His purpose" Amen!
- Donald and your whole family are always in our prayers from now on.
- Hello Church! I am attaching a flyer that lists some AWESOME products produced by an AWESOME organization - Adult and Teen Challenge PNW. This ministry focuses on helping men and women reclaim their lives for Christ. (You can read about them here https://teenchallengepnw.com/) Please consider supporting them through the purchase of these amazing products made from reclaimed materials. Shipping cost apply. Thank you!!! (Prices very by item)Adult & Teen Challenge Pacific Northwest Recovery ProgramWe are a program of recovery from drug and alcohol addiction, with 11 mens and women's programs in Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho.teenchallengepnw.com
- Awesome Ministry
- Don't forget—It's the last day to get special savings on Bonhoeffer's Works! Get 40% off DWB Vol. 4: Discipleship Use Promo Code: DISCIPLESHIP http://bit.ly/2jxHakL Get 40% off DWB Vol. 5 : Life Together and Prayerbook of the Bible Use Promo Code: LIFETOGETHER http://bit.ly/2jFrfyF Get 40% off the entire collection Use Promo Code: BONHOEFFER http://bit.ly/2kaBsGn Hurry, offer ends at midnight!The Works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (17 vols.)Dietrich Bonhoeffer, one of the most influential Christian martyrs in history, bequeathed to humanity a legacy of theological creativity and spirituality that continues to inspire people from a variety of backgrounds. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works offers a fresh, critical translation of Bonhoeffer’s writings, with extensive introductions, annotations, and interpretation.bit.ly
- Don't miss these special savings on Bonhoeffer's Works now through 2/3! Today, reflecting on Dietrich Bonhoeffer's thought is more important than ever. Get 40% off DWB Vol. 4 Use Promo Code: DISCIPLESHIP http://bit.ly/2jxHakL Get 40% off DWB Vol. 5 Use Promo Code: LIFETOGETHER http://bit.ly/2jFrfyF Get 40% off the entire collection Use Promo Code: BONHOEFFER http://bit.ly/2kaBsGnThe Works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (17 vols.)Dietrich Bonhoeffer, one of the most influential Christian martyrs in history, bequeathed to humanity a legacy of theological creativity and spirituality that continues to inspire people from a variety of backgrounds. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works offers a fresh, critical translation of Bonhoeffer’s writings, with extensive introductions, annotations, and interpretation.bit.ly
- Definitely took advantage of this to complete my Logos Works of Bonhoeffer Collection #BonhoefferGoals
- What are your reflections so far on the "Discipleship: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works Vol 4" reading plan? What surprised you about Bonhoeffer's writing? What made you stop and think?
- I love this book, I just never understood why he decided to get involved in the plot to kill Hitler. He could had done much more in sharing the gospel and cost of Discipleship if he had been out of prison and lived longer. Although, I probably could say the same about Paul when he decided to go to Jerusalem for the last time.
- I did read the text, had some problems getting into the 'reading plan' I could not get the start point to work right [probably operator head space] the book is a great benefit to my walk as a Christian and a deeper understanding of Luther and what that means to the Church or community of faith. I like the context of 'cheep grace -vs- costly discipleship with obedience'
- Essential and unique!