• What's the difference between the Faithlife Study Bible Group at https://faithlife.com/faithlife-study-bible/activity and this FSB Users Group? Just wondering if I need to join both. Also, if Faithlife would like to affiliate the FSB Users Group with my Community Study Bible group, feel free to do so.
    1. This group was started back when the FSB was new (and received much more traffic back then). It is not a Faithlife-owned effort, rather it was used by some to comment critically on FSB entries, mainly by using the Community Notes feature. It was not meant for the devotional use of the FSB, but for development of the FSB. The other group you mentioned seems to be a rather dormant, marketing-oriented thing. I didn't know it even existed.
    2. I'm doing a social media clean out, so trying to see what Faithlife Groups I need to actively continue using or not.
  • I have noticed that when I select one of the LBD links in the FSB when using it with my Android Tablet it never opens to the article selected. Is this a bug in the FSB?
    1. In the preface to the FSB it refers to the various translations that can be used with it. It says, "To change the translation of FSB, simply select one of the supported translations. " However, nowhere does it say how to do it! I want to use the FSB with my NKJV, which is one of the supported translations. How do I select it?
      1. Just finished Amos, I am working on my first all the way read of the Bible in a year long plan. The different prophets are fascinating they all have such different styles and backgrounds. Who's your favorite prophet? So far mine is Jeremiah, his compassion for the people of Israel really attracted me to his work.
        1. "Who's your favorite prophet?" Mine would be Isaiah. By far. And not only ch53 (or nearly everything ch40+), he's great treasure everywhere, ch5,6,7; ch9 is one of the most remarkable ones.... I'm not sure I learned to appreciate Jeremiah much at all, but maybe I will when I get to read/study him a bit more (planned for early summer or so). But going back to Amos: Did you use the FSB along the way? Any insights into its notes - were they helpful, was something lacking?
        2. I've been using a you version reading plan but vary where I read sometimes on their app or a paper Bible and sometimes on the FSB. I do enjoy the FSB and it's study notes are interesting. I really like that cross references will pop up when hovered over and the pictorial graphics are really cool. The share button didn't work as I expected though and the mobile app FSB may be better served with a diff format where you could swipe side to side to bring up study notes.
      2. We may now use Discussions to exchange our thoughts about the FSB. Check it out!
        1. For new users (and others, just in case): make sure to check out the Community Notes - on the tab in the website view or in the FSB, e.g. in Jonah, the Sermon on the Mount and (lately, starting) in John. Or write your own ones!
          1. Can the FSB be accessed from a browser or another desktop app for those without a Logos Base Collection yet? I'm wanting to get my church interested in using FaithLife and the FSB. Some of them don't have smartphones, tablets, or Logos yet.
            1. Also, what would be the best way to let people know about FaithLife? Should I start a group on here for my church and print up a flyer inviting people to join it?
            2. The FSB can be accessed at biblia.com.
            3. Great to know. Thanks!
          2. One of my professors told me to spread the word about another seminary he works with, so I'm doing just that for him! ALIS is an online school of leadership. Americanls.org Ir was started by Dr. Borek when he was President of LRU. We offer Certificates in Leadership (9 months, about $ 1200.00) and BL, ML, DMIN.
            1. Interesting thread in the forum (General section):