• One @ a Time Can Work Wonders!

    Happy New Year GRCC Family. In 2020 I have started a new "through the Bible in a Year" program. Using YouVersion app, I have started with the Reformation Bible reading plan.

    For Jan. 4, one of the texts was John 4:1-26. I am reminded of how Jesus encounter 1 person. Not a multitude, not even a small group.. just one person. He took the time to engage with her, crossing many barriers to speak to her about her present situation and need. He knew her need intuitively, we learn by listening. Yet, our Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ did not despise the "small thing" of encountering just one person with the Good News.

    If you keep reading the result was a small revival.. as this one women.. new in Jesus, brought the same Good News to others.

    As we are just days into this New Year, let me challenge you, if you belong to Jesus, plan to encounter just 1 person. Listen to them. Bring the Gospel to them in direct connection with their need. Jesus was intentional about His encounter with this woman. We should be as well. We have no idea what great things God may do when we start small and trust Him to Work!