Logos Favorites Tool
Discussion Topic • Bellingham, WA • 1 member • 25 followers
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A group for users of Logos Bible Software to discuss the Favorites tool.
Follow- I saw a MP video about the potential of the favorites feature, and I grabbed onto it. I found moving things around a little like playing with jello. Then next thing you know I lost two links. I ave accidentally deleted whole notebooks, but there you can undelete something. Here It seems it is gone. I'm afraid to us it again. Like why bother?
- No, just need to reorder all.
- Got it. I'll let the team know. cc: Ali Pope
- I saw a sort feature in a MP video. I kept looking for it and couln't find it
- Hello. Does anyone else have the same problem as me, that is, not being able anmore to insert my personal documents in pdf into the favorites tool as I have always done so far?
- Hi Marco Ceccarelli, this is a known issue and the team is investigating it. We will let you know when this has been fixed. Thank you for your patience!
- Hi. I have so many items collected in Favorites tool that it would be great if it there was a search system within the tool
- Marco Ceccarelli, we agree. We're planning to add search to Favorites in a future release.
- I would love to see this feature added too the Favorites tool!
- I use my Favorites Tool as if it were a file cabinet: I have established an alphabetical system of file folders and sub folders, sub-sub folders, etc., on Theological topics, Bible references by Book, Chapter, and Verse, search results and whatever else I want to save. When I run a successful search, I will save the results into the appropriate "file folder." I also place syntactical search results in the various folders as well. So, to me, the Favorites Tool is like a never-ending file cabinet with unlimited drawers and an ever changing/increasing collection of Folders and embedded sub-folders. Every once in a while, I will go through and consolidate added search results that have been collected but not "properly" filed into the most appropriate folder (or sub-folder) just to try and keep everything organized.
- Nice Bill, but is favorites searchable? If I am not mistaken searchability has been wanted for it for a long time.
- After 3 years of trying to make sense out of Logos and constantly getting overwhelmed by Random notes and clippings, I finally came to the same conclusion as Bill. Someone said that the notes weren't meant to replace the word processor and that helped me accept the fact that I wasn't going to be able to store my (Harvard outlined) sermons in the notes for later retrieval. (Evernote and hard drive). **Favorites** helps me get back to an actual file structure. Now I can gather notes, clippings and whatever else applies without having to get lost in a sea of confusion. I do wish they would give it just a little more respect by giving some search capability, single click 'collapse all' and maybe some tags, but, I can use it like a file cabinet as Bill said. I thought I would share this here in case someone else is looking for a way to make sense of it.
- I would appreciate a single click 'collapse all" also.