• Welcome! This is a group for Logos Bible Software users to discuss the Highlighting tool: get help, share tips, make suggestions, etc.
  • I have created my own highlight palette. I would like to remove the others from the highlight window. Is there a way to do that?
    1. How do you turn off community highlighting?
      1. I really enjoy the highlighting tool. I appreciate that one can customize them as well and keep adding. This is great! Something I noticed while I was highlighting is that when I had two Bibles up (an English and a Spanish Bible) if it was just one word or some, that same one word or some would be highlighted in the other Bible up also! I know that in other software it can be where if you highlight the entire verse, it'll show the same way in another Bible version but this was one step ahead. I was then curious to see if it would correspond with my mobile devices as well. While the same version will, I noticed it does not carry on when switching to another Bible language or version. In short, I thought corresponding highlights was amazing. Is there a way to bring it to the mobile devices also so that what I highlight on m y desktop can carry onto all Bible languages and versions whether desktop or mobile?
        1. When "The Word Search" Platform transferred over to Logos, quite a it of my books in the Word Search Library did not transfer over to Logos. Did anyone else experience this?
          1.  — Edited

            Is there a way to transfer all of your highlighting from one Bible translation to another?
            1. while reading or studying my bible through logos, I find others highlights or rather and indication they have highlighted a passage, is there a way I can turn this off? Thank you in advance Kevin
              1. , that's the popular highlights feature, which can be turned off per resources or across all resources. Look for it in the visual filters menu, the three circles stacked like a triangle at the top left of the resource panel's toolbar.
            2.  — Edited

              Can I merge 2 highlighting styles in one style? I accidentally created two styles and used both of them to highlight. Now I want them to be under one style
              1. Click on the down arrow next to the one you want to get rid of, choose Restyle Annotations, then choose the list you want them to merge with. Then you can delete the unwanted list.
            3. Is there anyway to duplicate the Highlighting window? I am creating a very extensive highlighting system and created several pallets. ex 12 Tribes pallet - Nations pallet. When I am highlighting or choosing a highlight in the Visual filters...... I am scrolling...scrolling.....scrolling on the river!!!!! Also I know you can collapse the pallets in the highlighting window.....However that doesn't seem to be an option when choosing a highlight in Visual Filters. Anyone have any ideas for any of this?
              1. Hi! I'm mostly new to Logos and and am going through the Help Center videos and articles. I would love to rename the already existing highlighters. But when I right click on the highlighter, I'm not able to select anything on the menu that pops up.
                1. Did you find a way to rename the highlighters? That would be a great improvement.
                2. I think if these existing highight styles are in a palette created by Logos that come with the software, you need to duplicate the whole palette housing the highlight you want to rename and then you can can right click on the style in the duplicated palette and rename it. Of course that means you will have a second palette such as solid colors in you palette menu. I hope that makes sense.
                3. You cannot duplicate or move a style from a palette created by logos. I think the only way is to duplicate the palette. After renaming the style in the duplicate palette, you can then move it to another palette that you have created. Then I suppose if you no longer need the duplicate palette, you can delete it.
              2. How can my friend make his custom highlighting palette of Genesis public so I can use it?
                1. This is the answer I got from Kim Harris, a Customer Success Manager: “To share your highlighting palette, please visit documents.logos.com and upload your palette there to share with other Logos users” I haven’t tried it yet. I’ll try it when I get back to my laptop.
                2. Yes, I tried it. It works for me.